1 minute read

Enthusiasm iscontagious

f H ead cheerleader Tina Metcalf characterized last year's cheerleaders as "fourteen very different personalities becoming a precise unit."

Hard work and willing spirits produced ateam thatepitomized thespiritofLBC atatheletic events.

Many students failed torealizethe responsibility of the LBC cheerleaders.Practices were held each day under theleadership ofTina Metcalf and Chuck Bowers

"We worked atacheer untilwe got it right," Tina said "Wewantedpreci- sion

With hopes ofwitnessing toopposing cheerleaders the LBC squad hada tract, titled"Cheer Up" written byDr Sumner Wemp At the end of each game the LBC cheerleaders and yell leaders presented the tract to their counterparts and found many warm receptions.

The Flames yelleaders construct their sixman pyramid duringhalftimeof the Flames' last home contest against Hampton Institute-

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