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Each kick keeps streak alive

Last year's point after attempts may have seemed insignificant to some, yet to a follower of Flames' football it meant the streak was still alive

The past three years the Flame's kickers have tallied 79 straight extra points which isthelongest string of any small college team in the nation. Rod Gladfelter began the stringin the 1978-79 season with 38 straight extra points and it was continued by Clay Thompson in the remainder of the 1979 season with nine points During 1980, freshman Mark DeMoss kept thestreakaliveasheadded 32straight points tothe total DeMoss says every kick is the same.

"One kick is as important asthe other,so Iput everything into every kick," hesaid

"It doesn't upset me when I miss because I know I'm doing the best that Icando," DeMoss said DeMoss has only missed twice in his footballcareer

Sophomore BillyLord has beenthe regular holder for DeMoss DeMoss alsocreditscenterDanDeBlaay for "a great jobofsnapping".

Th e LBC soccerteam closedout its 1980seasonwith an8-11-4 record,ending the season with a second place finish in theNCCAA DistrictIIplayoffs atMessiah Collegein


"We were very pleased that we made itto theplayoffs this year," Coach BillBellsaid. "Ithink we rank high among NCCAA Colleges."

The 1980yearwasBell's first season as Liberty's head soccer coach.

"This year I'm just getting anidea oftheLBC standards and demands in the sport and thatofouropponents," Coach Bellsaid "I wanted toshow my players as much competition and quality of opponents aspossible."

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