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AD resigns to "go home
" T he resignation ofTerry Don Phil•*• lips,Liberty's athletic director, to take theposition of assistant athletic director at Missiouri University was announced Feb 25, 1981
The news came asa surprise to Liberty Baptist students and supporters of theathletic program.
"My resignation isnot due to any conflict with the college," Phillips said "Iam simply going home."
Phillips, who played college football for Arkansas, came to LBC in June 1980.
"My firstgoal was tostructurethe athletic program tomeet with NCA A approval," Phillips said "However I was skeptical about gaining membership before 1982."
Phillipsandtheathletic department had a number of obstacles to overcome butthey succeeded.
"We hadtoaskfor waivers oncertaineligibilityrequirements," Phillips said. "They didn't have togrant them, but they did."
Phillips was only at LBC for 11 months, but said he will continue to support theathletic program
"Iplan togive my support andhelp LBC inany way Ican in the future," Phillips said in his last LBC chapel service.
According toPhillips, LBC's athletic future isvery bright
"I feel we're a year ahead ofschedulein acceptance into Division II," he said. "I'm justglad I could have apart in it." -Tracy
Minister asthe Men of Armour
Me n ofArmour Ministries includes two thrusts, inreach and outreach, which are designed toenable athletes toreach fullpotential inallaspects of life.
The men of Armour share their faith through such ministries as: prayer teams,evangelism teams,rally teams, weight-lifting teams, Men of Armour high school clubs,local ministry teams, and follow-up teams
Each ministry isan effective aid in the personal, spiritualandathletic development ofthe athlete
"Men of Armour Ministries has met my problem ofmeeting people," said junior football player Jimmy Rowe. "I'vehad the opportunity to leadyoung people totheLord through weight-lifting demonstrations in high schools."
To most of the athletes involved, handing out tractsandpresentingthe gospel was a new experience and proved tobeamajor turning pointin their lives
Van Dalton, junior footballtrainer, said, "I had never come face-to-face with telling people about Christ until I went toTennessee on a rally trip I learned toenjoy passing out tracts and telling people about God."
Senior wrestler, Jesse Castro said, "Athletically, you have to stay in shape tocome out on top.That holds trueinyour spiritual lifeaswell Peo- pie look up toathletes for the answer We have thatanswer andshould share itwith everyone."
Men ofArmour ministries not only helps todevelop personal and spiritualgrowth butprovides a ministryfor the athlete tocontinue after hegraduates.
Rusty Radcliff, who heads up the specialeducation ministry said, "Men of Armour hasexpanded my burden for the handicapped children who aren'tas lucky enough tobe involved insports.It's become astepping stone to my own ministry in the future."
"The realityof thisministry proved theimportance ofGodandshows unity at our school as athletes," Mark Swift, ajunior basketball player, said.
"The resultsofthe Men of Armour ministries are showing up everywhere," coordinator Dave Anderson said. People know that there isa Liberty Baptist College and they realize we arereal people on fire for God."
-Pam MorrisD