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Witnessing ismain objective

•^umerous LBCstudents ministered topeople intheUnited Statesduring the school year and to people in foreign countries during thesummer.

These LBC students were involved inSMITE,amissions program that is an outreach of LBC and the Thomas Road Baptist Church

During thefirstsemester, therewas onlyoneSMITE team, adecrease from the nine teams that represented LBC in 1979-80.

This team concentrated on the needs ofNorth America by traveling on weekends todifferent churches in various states. They alsotraveled during the holidays and during spring break

The group's goal was to minister and notto entertain.

"A SMITE team goes into a church with expectancy They use multimediaprojectionsandaseries ofsongs to show members of that church that people around theworld have needs—both physical and spiritual," said Doug Achilles,theteam leader

During thesecond semester of the year, the SMITE ministry was enlarged when another team wasadded. This team's activities during the semester centered around training for their summer trip toBrazil, whilethe originalteam readied themselves for a trip to Europe during the summer months. Doug Achilles became the team leader for the Brazil team and Bob Luger was appointed head of the European team

Preparing for these summer missions took a lotof hard work onthe part of the individual students Each student was required to raise several hundred dollars of support money. Also, theBrazil team had tolearn its repertoire of songs in English and Portugese while the European team learned its music infivedifferent languages.

Both teams also traveled tocultural areas such asNew York City soteam members could be exposed to the types ofpeople they would be working with during the summer.

Both SMITE teams think in terms of world evangelism And the members of theteams arenotnecessarily allmissions majors.

"Part ofour philosophy istowork within the framework that God has placed a person in,"Achilles said.

"More than 3,500 students have been involved inSMITE since its inception, and no matter what a student'smajor or ultimatevocationwas, the main objective was to witness."

-Sherri Popovitch D

EUROPEAN TEAM: (kneeling and seated) Kevin Stephens, Rhonda Skinner, Ruth Newton, Johnny Irvin, Bill Dennis, Rodney Felter, Don Blatherwick, Karen Cofer. (standing) Rod Meek, Maria Wilson, Sherry Wilkerson, Steve Coffey, Selena Newton, KeithMoulton, Merry Haag, Laurie Bartram, Jim Agens, Karen Hughes, Diane Sheetz, Karen Purdue.

FIRST SEMESTER SMITE TEAM: (counter clockwise from top) Steve Coffey, Eric Harley, Rod Meek, Amy Payne, Maria Wilson, Ed Wells, JanaBrewer, Ruth Newton, Linda Heiss, Cheryl Ferryman, Pam Ervin, Greg Nelson, Pat Elliott, Don Blatherwick, Laurie Lane, B.J. Cocilio.

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