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A n organization aimed at people

A Christian athlete is an athlete that has an extra dynamic, a higher goal, a different motivation—Jesus Christ Athletes at LBC believe that a Christian athlete should seek toexcel with a greater zeal than before he knew Christ They believe that he must learn to do everything with allhismight.

Athletics isaneffectivetoolof communicating the gospel. When a successfulathlete stands to speak,people listen. Many Christian athletes take thisopportunity forawitness of their personal faith This isthepurpose of the Men ofArmour Ministries.

Men ofArmour Ministries is an organization which includes junior and senior athletes and isdesigned to enable the athlete toreach full potential in all aspects of life

Men of Armour coordinator Dave Anderson says the organization emphasizes being a winner

"The winner must have abroad perspective. He must seethewhole picture, thewhole task, inorder tosecure a complete victory," Anderson said. "Whether insportsor indailylife, the winner must have themind ofaservant."

The various outreach ministries of the Men ofArmour include suchactivities as special education teams which meet every Saturday to work with the mentally retarded/handicapped on Treasure Island and a Children's ministry inwhich athletes participate by giving testimo- teaching class lessons, demonstrating athletic skills and exhorting thechildrentobeChritiansfirst ofall Special Education teams which meet every Saturday towork withthe mentally retarded/handicapped on Treasure Island A children's ministry inwhich athletesparticipatebygiving testimonies, teaching class lessons, demonstrating athletic skills and exhorting thechildren tobe Christians first of all

Weightlifting teams train each week, physically and spiritually, to prepare for trips to public high schools to demonstrate the skills of weightlifting and communicating the gospel.

Rally teams travelevery weekend to surrounding cities and states doing weightlifting demonstrations, skits, singing and sharing the gospel. This year the Men of Armour traveled to Augusta, Ga., Cincinnati, Ohio, Philadelphia,Pa and Miami, Fla

The Men ofArmour club, anursing home ministry,prayer teams,a prayer-partner program and the Champion/Rookie Ministry areother outreaches of Men of Armour

"Reaching young people through athletics isourprimary goal,"Anderson said "I feel we're making progress through our athletic program when Ihear theresults ofa weekend trip where many were saved because we went toreach for them."

-Pam Morris •

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