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Ne w organization born
f\Iod's Gold, an organization of ^""^LBC girls, had a successfulfirst year.
The organization was born in the summer of1980by Ronda Katterheinrich,the executive secretary of SGA and the 1980-81 president of God's Gold
Katterheinrich feltthat there needed to be an organization on campus justforgirls—one thatwould emphasizebeing a godly woman.
God'sGold'sfirst meeting washeld inSeptember 1980 The largestcrowd of the year turned out to hear Mrs. Macel Falwell speak.Mrs.Falwell accepts few speaking engagements and most of the girlspresent atthemeeting had never heard her speakbefore
"I thought itwas very good," one girlwho attended said, "Itwas interesting tolisten tothe woman behind Dr Falwell, especially since he'sbecome such a well-known public figure."
God'sGold alsosponsored aneven- ing with a panel of LBC males, who answered questions asked by girlsin theaudience
Spring brough a fashion show to which all LBC girlswere invited The show was done with the help of Weathervane, apopularclothingstore in Lynchburg One girl from each dorm modeled clothes in the show The show was abigsuccess, according to the girlswho attended "It was great," said one girl who helped with the show. "Just because we areChristian girlsand dress modestlydoes not mean we have todress unfashionably I thinkmore LBCgirls needto become fashionconsciousand I think this show was a bighelp."
The year ended with a special appearance by Mrs. Cleve McClary. A former Miss South Carolina, Mrs. McClary was thewifeofthe Vietnam war veteran who spoke to LBC students in chapel earlier in the year. Mrs. McClary spoke to the group in April. •
Ronda Katterheinrich, thefounder and president of God's Gold,takes a minute to invite Selena Newton toa meeting. God's Gold met each month to hear special speakers and toparticipate in special activities.
A panelofLBC males answers questions from an all-girl audience. The question and answer timewas part ofa God's Gold meeting held in the fall.
God'sGold Officers: (sitting) Laurie Bartram, Ronda Katterheinrich. (standing) Debbie Nelson, Dawn Keckt, Debbie Ivins, Joni Berry.