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The nation's largest after only two years
Th e LBC chapter of Young Americans for Freedom was chartered two years ago and has grown into thelargest chapter in the United States
The chapter,which began in 1979, grew from 10 originalmembers to the presenttotal of400 Much interest has been generated by Dr. Jerry Falwell's activities on the political scene with the Moral Majority
Roy Jones,who was active inthe development of the original chapter, led the young organization fornearly eightmonths Joneswas selected to be the executive director of the state chapter YAF chapter.
Upon the departure ofJones,senior Wesley Miller was elected chairman of the LBC group During Miller's term,the LBC chapter members traveled toCharlottsville, Va., tohear Republican Rep PhilipCrane of Illinois Crane's topic was "The Conservative Movement."
After almost four months, Miller was voted out of office by a threefourths majority vote ofconfidence.
Van Dalton, ajunior, was electedas the new chairman.
Under Dalton's administration, fourbuses, sponsored byYAF,carried LBC students toaJanuary 22 "March for Life" rally in Washington, D.C The purpose ofthe 60,000-person rally was to petition Congress forthe Helm's/Dornan Human Life Amendement.
Republican Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, spoke to the marchers, encouraging continued support for theamendment.
Seven days later,the LBC chapter had an occasion to celebrate—as did the entire United States. The local group sponsored a Freedom Celebration tocelebrate therelease ofthe 52 American hostages.
If theLBCYAFchaptercontinuesto generate interest among students in the country's political activities they will continue tocarry thedesignaton of being thenation's largest chapter.
-Dave Palmquist
LBC students joined withother concerned citizens atthe eighth annual"March forLife"rally in Washington,D.C, showing their objection to abortion.