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One elective changed the goals of a life
\AI henRoyJones came toLBC as a " freshman on a football scholarship, hewanted tobecome a businessman and tomake a lot of money
Today his ultimate goals is quite different. Andhe doesn't think he will reach itforsome time
Roy Jones wants toserve his country in the Congress of the United States. Perhaps someday,even toseek the Presidency
He never hadan interest inpolitics untilhetook apoliticalscience course as an elective three years ago Jones says that theIntroduction to Political Science course,taught by the lateProfessor Paul Cho, whetted hisinterest in government and diplomacy
A political science major andjournalism minor, Jones already has had a good taste of political life. He cam- paigned actively for President Reagan in three state primaries last fall, and led a group of LBC students who helped in Meldrin Thompson's campaign for governor in New Hampshire.
He has been actively involved inthe development of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter atLBC.TheLBC YAF chapter, chartered only two years ago, hasgrown from 10 members to 400, making it the largest inthe United States.Jones isnow executivedirectorofYAFfortheStateofVirginia.
He recently attended the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington,D.C, where heled in the invocation and benediction for the CPAC Conservative Awards Dinner that hosted many of the nation'stop conservative leaders His work in
-Dave Palmquist
politicshasallowed himtomeet many national political leaders, including President Reagan.
Jones claims thatmuch ofhisinspiration forhis own vision fora future in politics comes from Dr Jerry Falwell.
"I was sitting ina church service a few yearsago andDr Falwell said that therewere not many whowere willing to stand inthe gap and pay theprice toexertapositive influence inthe politicalarena,"Jones remembers."Idetermined tomyself thatI was goingto do justthat."
Jones knows hewillhave topay his political dues before he ever gets a shot ata national political office
"I hope togetinvolved in helping someone else's campaign after my graduation," he said."Ihave tolearn the political ropes before Icantry for any electiveoffice."
Jones is looking beyond personal advancement as heplans his futurein politics
"Ienjoy knowing that I'm standing up forsomething right,"Jones said. "I believe that the conservative philosophy istrue and right,and Ibelieve one person really can make a difference." n