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Christian Service New programs promote productivity Unique and action-oriented structure puts the emphasis on classes and practicums
Action-oriented training inalocal church ministry. That's what Dr. JerryFalwellhadinmind when he founded Liberty Baptist College and that's what LBC's Christian Service program is allabout.
The 1980-81 Christian Service program wasdifferent from theprogram students encountered in previous years Thefreshmen and sophomores were taught by Dr Elmer Towns, Dr A PierreGuillermin, andDr C Sumner Wemp in a unique program designed totrain them forentrance into a localchurch ministry This program included four semesters ofclasses and four semesters ofpracticums.
Many students come toLBC unsure of their faith Some students come from homes with unsaved parents, homes where Christian training was not emphasized or Christian schooling was denied
The newChristian Service program isdesigned toaidthese students along with those students who have had adequate Christian training andleadership. Theprogram promotes theassurance of salvation, teaches sound doctrine and introduces the local church ministry.
These classes have always been taught atLBC, butalmost exclusively to religion majors Now all students entering LBC are exposed to these Christian Service Classes: Introduction to Church Ministries, Christian Life, Christian Ethics, and acoursein philosophy
Dennis Fields, Christian Servicedi- rector,is pleased with the new program. He believes that a better product is being produced.
"The classes are turning out students who know where God wants them and they are able tochoosethe approapriate practicum," he said Fields and Dave Adams work with the students planning schedules for thosewhohave both classesand practicums.They also maintain publicrelations with other churches,locating and placing pastors,youth directors, and other church workers
According to Fields,LBC's ChristianService program isunique. Many other Christian colleges have written to LBC for information on the program. Students from other Christian colleges have done reports on LBC's program fortheirclasses.
"It's a total program training students in a local church ministry," Fields said "Without its Christian Service program, LBC would bejust another liberal artscollege with a denominational name tag."
-Elizabeth Maniscalco •