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Division of Education Pros seek Yarborough's advice
Ro y Yarborough is afaculty member inLBC's physical education department, but he considerspreventive medicine tobe his avocation
His duties include examining and validlyupgrading the overallphysical education program, using all ofthe professional insights available.
He baseshisguidelines on boththe research that has been done andthe research currently being done.
Yarborough has also begun programs for the employees ofAmerican Motors and Snap-On Tools, Inc
In 1978,he became fitness adviser fortheNational IntercollegiateSoccer Officials Association offerbecause ofhisresponsibilities to his family.
He continues topractice race-walking, however and his goals are farreaching "Iwant to runamile when I'm100 yearsold," hesaid "A walker is justa burned-out runner who moves a little slower."
But while working with the collegiatesoccer officials, Yarborough was being scouted by another group.
After several days ofwatching him work with the college soccerofficials, the North American Soccer League contacted Yarborough to ask him to work with professional soccer officials.
The pros liked hisability to work with alltypes ofpeople Butthe officials don't like tohear from him.
"I tell them they are all too fat," Yarborough said
Yarborough designs physical and stressguidelines forthe pro soccerofficialsand istrying todiscover ways in which job-related stress may account for an especially high divorce rate among NASL officials.
Yarborough wasalso invited to the 1976 Olympics tocompete in thefield of race walking
He was one of 300tocompete nationallybutturned down the Olympic