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Division ofReligion Creativity fillsfree time offaculty

Admist the rustle of term papers and thick books of systematic theology,Associate Professor ofReligion Dan Mitchell finds time to be creative

"I consider myself to be a creative thinker," Mitchell said."I see myself asuniquely contributing tothought; I think that is my gift to the church."

In his spare time Mitchell relaxes by drawing,creativewriting likepoetry or free verse,and sometimes composing music He said, "I had never had any training so Itook a harmonica and numbered all the notes on it, then wrote music to correspond."

Mitchell expressed the same drives in creative writing.

"Sometimes I find myself waking up at night with a particular line of

Dr.Dan Mitchell draws whilerelaxingat home after preparing his lecture for thenext day. MitchellisafavoriteprofessorofLBC theology students.

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