2 minute read
Story by Paul Stoltzfus
^Uketch Erickson, a nationally known speaker on themass media, presented a week-long multi-media/lecture series in late September on the cause and effect relationship between the media and America's immorality.
Fourteen yearsago, Sketch left hisjob in the fieldofadvertising to compile and present his own multi-media program exposingthenegativeeffectsofthemass media
"Young people are being exposed to more satanic influences than ever before through the media, and that is why I'm here I'm concerned," hesaid
"1 ask people tostop, look, andlisten, and examine the trends in our pop culture,"Sketch said "Then I ask them to do something about it I personally believewe are being brainwashed by the media."
Sketch took a hard stand against what he believes isthecorrupting influenceof themedia."I objecttothat"and "God calls it sin," were common phrases which he used toexpress his concern
Reactions to Sketch's program varied; butafterhundreds ofmeetings,Sketch has come toexpect that
"The program comes as a shock to some because they never had ithit them between their eyes Itisobvious I'mnot going to bepopular,but I'mnot here fora popularity contest," hesaid.
"Anybody who istotally committed to theclaims ofChristis eithercalled a fanatic or an extremist. But one who isonly nominally committed is called ahypocrite. I happen tobea fanforChrist."
Robert Stamey, a sophomore from Atlanta, Ga.,said,"He's heavy,but I like him because he talks tome straight."
Sophomore Brian Sullivan from Billings, Mont.,said,"He got the student body toat least think about what they believe and why they believe it,instead ofaccepting the patanswers which have been soprevalent inthe past."
Sketch said thegoal ofhisprogram was to inform people about the influence of movies, television, and probably the most controversial ofhis topics,music
"My ministry is toinform," Sketch said "Christians need to be informed There's nothing more frighteningthan ignorancein action."
Sketch, who isalso a former musician, encouraged hisaudience to be sensitive and discerning intheir music tastes.
"Ihope to get youthinking andnotjust going along with what is popular,"he said. "I think a lotof people are misled just because someone happens to sing Scripture. Just because something is spiritual, doesn't mean itisoftheHoly Spirit
"We must check out the sincerity ofthe musicians, their born-again experience, where they are coming from and where they are going."
Sketch said the rock message is basically a negative message that isopposed to the Christian philosophy
"The real problem I have with rockmusic," Sketch said,"isthe driving beat that addresses itselftothe sensual A ribbon of sound isthemost abstract ofall media I believe music without lyrics can also affectyour emotions and your imagination."
Besides dealing with rock and roll, Sketch criticized "Christian Rock" and its apparent compromise with the music of the world.
"I personally believe that theChristian who hasaspecialdimension inlife looksat everything in adifferentway," he said "As soon as you compromise with thebeat and popularity oftheworld, 1have to sayso long
"If you want to be a dynamic person that Godcanuse,then youmust separate yourself from those things which have to do with worldliness
"Our musical dietcan becompared to a food diet," he said. "We need three food groups,andso it is with music Music consists of melody, harmony, rhythm, dynamics,tempo,coloration andlength These thingsneed tobe balanced inthemusic we listento."
Movies were also a target of Sketch's criticism.
"I think one of the biggest hoaxes to come outof Hollywood istherating system," Sketch said. "Totheworld, itisa standard; butwhose standards areweas Christians guided by?"
Sketch's main concern wasthatsociety has been conditioned toviolence by movie themes,printed advertising, and the music of rock musicians
Sketch's concern for youth prompted him, after working intheadvertisingfield for 39years,to produce hisslideand tape presentation He presents his program three weeks out of each month andin more than 50 churches or conferences each year
Sketch spends "every breathing moment" inresearch He subscribes to "Billboard" magazine, which is the national magazine ofthe rock music industry "Billboard" keeps himcurrent onthe trends of the music world
Sketch also credits hiswife, whom he affectionately calls "Mom Sketch," for much of the success of his programs. "Mom Sketch" takes care ofthe increasing load of correspondence andtape mailings
Because many people are concerned about theeffects of the mass media on young people,Sketch Erickson chooses to present hisfearstoanyone whowill listen Not allLBC students necessarily agreed with hisobservations, but they provided him with what he wanted most — an attentive audience