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Paratroopers and trained security dogs cam e to LB C for Military Emphasis wee k Honoring the Armed Forces

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Story by John Schlesinger

T rom performances of trained security dogs to paratroopers jumping from helicopters, LBC students, faculty, and staff participated in a program that showed enthusiasm fortheCl.S. Armed Forces during the week ofSeptember 13through 18

Sponsored by theChristian ServiceDepartment, the week-long program was planned todevelop good rapport withthe community and local recruiting agencies, along with promoting thecollege military ministry

Programs on campus focused on adifferent branch of the military each day On Monday, September 13,the Cl.S.Air Force was on hand with a recruiter along with displays. Students were also entertained with demonstrations by theAirForceSecurity Dog Team

On Tuesday, September 14,the Cl.S Navy was represented by a recruiterand displays

All the branches came together on Wednesday, September 15,when all recruiters as well as any faculty, staff or students involved inthe military,attended chapel dressed infull uniform

Also on Wednesday, theSounds of Liberty presented astirring performance featuring "IWill Stand" andthe theme of the "I Love America" rallies Prior toDr Falwell'smessage,theassembly heard a testimony from Admiral Bruce Newell,chiefof legislativeaffairsforthe Department ofthe Navy Also present was Colonel John Fain who served on General MacArthur's staff

Following the chapel time, everyone moved tothesoccer field where the Cl.S Air Force Drill Team performed itsdisciplined routines

On Thursday, September 16,the U.S. Marines recruiter was oncampus with displays

Air Force Drill Team performs on Wednesday as part ofprogram inwhicheachservice took a day todemonstrate itscapabilities tothe student body. Asuccess, the program will become an annual event.

Friday, the dust waskicked up when a Cl.S Army helicopter landed prior toan exhibition by theparatrooper team from Fort Lee, Va Itentertained the onlookers with a dazzling airshow, including four jumpers, oneofwhom barely missed the roof ofthe General Education building Saturday evening, September 18, LBC's program for Armed Forces Week was topped offby a performance ofthe Cl.S Army Field Band and SoldiersChorus from Washington, D.C According to Lamar Keener, assistant dean of student affairs, there were almost 3,000 in attendance for theconcert sponsored bytheOfficeofStudent Affairs Theconcert wasincluded as an official event for Kaleidoscope, Lynchburg's week-long autumn festival.

According toJohn Neyman, who assists in Christian Service and coordinates the Military Ministry, those involved withthe ministry travel to military bases andmaintain adiscipleship program fortheservicemen So far,theministry isinvolved with work at three military bases located at Aberdeen, Md.; Goldsboro, N.C.;andNorfolk, Va

Neyman also stated there was definitely a great amount ofinterestand support generated on campus for what the armed forces are doing The program was considered successful andwillbecome anannual event here

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