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History In The fTlaking

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Here is a list of newsworthy events in 1982-83

June 6, 1982 — Israeli troops invade Lebanon ina land, seaand air attack aimed atcrushing thePalestine Liberation Organization

June 4, 1982 — Theunemployment rate rises to9.4% according totheLabor Department. Itis thehighest level since 1941.

June 14, 1982 — Argentine troops surrender on theFalkland Islands. Argentine President Leopoldo Galtieri resigns

June 21, 1982 — After four daysof deliberation a federal jury finds John W Hinckley notguilty by reason ofinsanity on all charges ofshooting President Reagan and three others inMarch, 1981 The verdict shocks and dismays many observers inand outofthegovernment

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History inthe Making

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June 25, 1982 — President Reagan announces the resignation of Secretary of State Alexander Haig.

President Reagan praises Haig as one who has served hiscounty for40 years "above and beyond thecall ofduty."

President Reagan also announces the nomination ofCharles P Shultz, a former Nixon cabinet member, as Haig's successor

The Israeligovernment expresses "deep regret"over Haig'sresignation Hehad major policy differences with Defense SecretaryCasper Weinberger and NationalSecurityAdvisor William P Clark which mainly focused on theMiddle East

July 6, 1982 — President Reagan offers Cl.S Marine troops toaid inLebanon withdrawal ofPalestinianforcesinWestBeruit

July 9, 1982 — A Pan American jet crashes, killing154 The causeofthecrash is notknown

July 15, 1982 — Ina unanimous vote, the Senate confirms George P Shultz as the Secretary of State

August 6, 1982 — The nation's unemployment rate (9.8%) isthehighest since 1942

August 10,1982 — Convicted murderer, Frank Coppola is executed in Richmond,Va.

September 8, 1982 — President Ronald Reagan announces hissupport forSenator Jesse Helms's anti-abortion proposal He also announces his support for Helms's School Prayer Bill

September 15,1981 — TheSenatevoted to table the anti-abortion amendment sponsored by Sen Jesse Helms

September 21, 1982 — NFL football players go on strike over wages and TV revenue.

September 23, 1982 — The Senate in a series ofvotes effectively defeats the proposal toallow prayer inpublic schools

October 6, 1982 — Seven people die from taking cyanide-laced Tylenol capsules The McNeil company recalls 264,000 bottles of Tylenol.

October 8, 1982 — The Labor Department announces the nation's unemployment rate increased to 10.1%, the highest rate since 1942when the unemployment rate was 14.6% for theentire year.

October 29, 1982 — Two days before Halloween, many cities curtail trick or treating because of several copy-cat lacings ofcandy

November 10, 1982 — Soviet President Brezhnev dies of a heart attack. Former (continued on page 29)

Lech Walesa, leader of disbanded Solidarity Union, sings with hissupporters the religious anthem. "O.God who hasprotected Poland formany centuries."

'I wanted to create a creature only a mother could love,' Steven Spielberg said, regarding E.T.

History in the Making

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KGB leader Chief Yuri Andropov replaces him

November 14 1982 — ThePolish government frees former Solidarity Leader Lech Walesa after being held inprison for 14 months

November 16,1982 — Thelongest and most costly strike insports history ends. After missing 112 of the 224 scheduled games, the football players end their strike

December 2, 1982 — Doctors are successful inimplanting a firstof itskindartificial heart inBarney B Clark

December 2, 1982 — The unemployment rate increases from 10.4% to 10.8%, a post World War II high.

December 7, 1982 — Texas executes convicted murderer,Charles Brooks Jr by means ofan intravenous solution ofsodium pentathol. Brooks isthefirst black to (continued on page 30)

Argentinian soldiers, captured at Goose Green,are guarded by a Royal Marine shortly after their surren der ended the conflict between Great Britain andAr gentina. which had seized theBritish administered islands. TheFalklands lie in thebleak South Atlantic

Their Royal Highnesses The Prince and Princess of Wales are shown at Kensington Palace with their infant son. Prince William, who was born June 21.

President RonaldReaganproposedmany programs in 1983to savethe economy.As aresult, the unemployment rate continued todecrease. He explained many ofhisprogramsin a speech in Billings, Mont.He went tothecity tocelebrate its 100th birthday.

History in the Making

(continued from page29) be put to death since the 1976 Supreme Court ruling that upheld capital punishment.

January 2,1983 — Pennsylvania State Universityis chosen thenationalchampion of college football,after defeating Georgia 27-23on January intheSugar Bowl in New Orleans.

January 13, 1983 — Nicaragua produces what thegovernment says are two captured counter-revolutionaries who claim the U.S., Argentine and Honduran military advisers have aided anti-Sandinist rebels based inHonduras

At the same time Nicaragua opens an exhibit ofweapons that itsays have been captured from rebels launching attacks from Honduras. Most oftheweaponsare Cl.S made,and thejunta says they represent evidence that the administration of President Ronald Reagan is trying to "destroy theNicaraguan revolution."

January 19,1983 — Thenation's average "real" gross national product in 1982 fell 1.8% from average 1981 levels, the Commerce Department reports Thedecreaseis thegreatestsince 1946,whenthe GNP fell14.7%owing tothe winding-down of war-time production

January 14, 1983 — A federal district judge upholds an Alabama law allowing prayer inthestate's public schools

January 25, 1983 — Natural gas prices jumped 25.4%fortheyear.Overall, energy prices were up 1.3% in 1982after rising 11.9% theprevious year.

January 30, 1983 — The Washington RedskinsbeattheMiami Dolphins27-17, in Super Bowl XVII,the championship of the National and American Football Leagues. The game isplayed in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena,Calif., before 103,667 fansand a national television audience of 111.5 million,a record forthat event.

January 31, 1983 — Thenation'sindependent truckers go on strike to protest recently-enacted federal taxes andfeeson gasoline,diesel fuel andtruck usage The strikehas been called by the 30,000-member Independent Truckers Association, led by Michael H Parkhurst

February 4, 1984 — The nation's unemployment rate decreased to a seasonally adjusted 10.4% in January, according to theLabor Department The drop isthe first sinceJuly 1981, when unemploymenthad stood at a revised 7.2% July 1981had marked the beginning ofthe currentrecession, which many economists arenow saying hasfinally bottomedout

February 10, 1983 — A strike byindependent truckers iscalled off by the head of theIndependent Truckers Association.

March 6, 1983 — U.S. President Reagan telephones Helmut Kohl after itwasclear that he had won re-election andcongratulateshim.A White House spokesman says that Reagan told Kohl that "helookedforward toworking together asthey and our governments have done inthe past on the economic and security challenges which our nationsface."

April 12,1983 — Representative Harold Washington iselected mayor ofChicago. Washington isthefirst Black mayor ever to be elected in Chicago

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