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From CAB To LBC Certified analyst turns instructor
search in finance.
Story by Melody Bacas
Trhe real world isa lotdifferent from LBC. The students need tobe prepared for it," said Richard R.Baland.Baland,a member of LBC's business faculty,teaches Accounting Principles I and II,cost accounting,data processing, business law,and re-
Originally from Dallas,Tex., Baland received his education attheUniversity of Texas and George Mason University. He then launched intohiscareer with theCivil Aeronautics Board where he worked for five years before arriving atLiberty
"The Civil Aeronautics Board isunique It's the only federal regulatory agency that has been deregulated," theformer financial analyst said
"The topic of deregulation brought some controversy into the Board I was in favor ofderegulation andthat wasan unpopular stand at that time," Baland explained
Richard Baland demonstrates computer operations fora student. Balandworked with the Civil Aeronautics BoardforfiveyearsbeforejoiningLBC's business faculty in 1982.
Baland'sjob with the Board consistedof providing a financial picture of variousairline agencies andadvising those agencies on that airline's financial situation.
"Itwas exciting.The lastthing that I did before leaving wastowrite computer programs which set into motion an automotive system that isstillbeing used I'm very proud of that."
According toBaland, many other exciting things happened during that time. Baland dealt with theU.S Treasury Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission on a regular basis. Hiswork appeared on all three major television networks and in such publications as The New York Times, The Washington Post and U.S. News and World Report.
"The most exciting thing that happened was the Pan American National merger Eastern and Texas International were merging atthe same time sothere was a lot of competition. Itwas thrilling tobe involved with that," said Baland
Baland explained, "I wanted todo the greatest thing possible At the Civil Aeronautics Board Ifelt that somehow I had helped with what the world needed.WhenI began tofeel that my work wasfinished there, Iwanted tograduate to something bigger and better. The world issuch an awful place and getting worse,andI wanted to dosomething about it. My wife andI decided that noone wasdoing more than Jerry Falwell and that wewould join him."
Jackie Baland then talked with Senator John Warner at LBC's Understanding Politics Seminar last year,andthe senatorintroduced hertoFalwell It was then that Falwell asked herhusband toapply fora position inthebusiness department
"It washard for me toleave the Board, but Iknew the move to Lynchburg was God's will," Baland stated. "I was amazed by the other business faculty.All ofthem are experienced in real world situations which isvery important when you teach business Not allschools have thatcredit."
Baland also said that he isvery proud that LBC's upper accounting coursesare taught bycertified public accountants. Baland hashigh hopes forthebusiness students.
"I think that our future isgoing to be better than our past Our students have the knowledge it takes,but they also have the
Holy Spirit to guide them in decision-making.Ofcourse, itwill take about 10years to find out if we have been successful teachers by the number ofsuccessful students we turn out."
A family man, Baland likes family picnics and most sports, including softball and racquetball "It's good to get away with the family and relax," hesaid
Looking to his walls covered with awards, pictures of planes, Peanuts cartoons and Dallas Cowboy pennants,Baland pointed out a picture ofWindsor, his two-year-old son "He is really very remarkable He is soaffectionate."
Baland, also a certified analyst, was recently accepted at North Texas State University tocomplete work onhisdoctorate. He isalso combining efforts with Dr Jerry Kroll to write a book dealing with computers inthe church
"It is something different to think about,"commented Baland concerning the book. "With Dr.Kroll's experience asa pastor and my experience as an analyst, the book should be very helpful."
Among his personal goals are to prove thatafundamentalist Christian can besuccessful inbusiness and toprepare students emotionally as well as academically for confronting challenges in the outside world As a faculty member, Richard Baland feels that heisfulfilling thisgoal ina most gratifying way