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An of art
quickly," he said."But you would have to be aesthetically blind to go inand notget anything out of it."
At the very least Loven said his work glorifies God inrevealing something about colorpropertiesasHe hasgiven them tous intheorganized fashion oftherainbow. On a deeper level his work communicates man's experience and relationship to the cosmos, as portrayed inthe circular form of his art,representative of the universe
"I try to make my paintings profound, but I also want people to enjoy them."
Loven approaches each new project with a "lotofpreliminary drawings," working out the composition of straight and curved lines
"Ispend more time thinking about color than most landscape painters spend looking at the landscape," he said Obsession iswhat motivates Loven He explains he has an obsessive curiosity to see how something will look.
"You get an idea of something which takes perseverance over months and months and years to realize your vision."
Loven explains that theforms ofhis dif- ferent paintings are very similar because "an artist needs to repeat his statement often enough toconvince theartworld he means what he issaying." He changes the subject by changing color and geometric volume
Loven's expertise is evidenced by the inclusion of his art in exhibitions at the Minnesota Museum of Art, the Baltimore Museum of Art and the Louis K Meisel Gallery in New York City
The prices ofhiswork range from $200 fora setoftwodrawings to$9000 fora set of three paintings The price depends on the hours oflabor,sizeand current market prices
The satisfaction Loven gets from painting is in the beauty and enjoyment heis able tocreate He plans tospend a lifetime achieving his goals of reaching historical significance in hispaintings and "creating something beautiful that will affect peoples'lives."