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Biology education granted certification

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1 he long battle for recognition of LBC's Biology Education majors as qualified educators reached its climax in 1982. On Wednesday, December 8, the Virginia State Board of Education certified thebiology program, opening opportunities for graduates to teach in the public school system. Department Chairman Dr. Terry Weaver shared hisview onthecertification proceedings.

SELAH: Would you give some general background on the education certification proceedings?

Weaver: After the accreditation of thecollege inDecember of 1980, weinitiatedproceedings for certification ofall the education programs. TheVirginia Board ofEducation put together a visiting team to evaluate our programs in the fallof1981. This team recommended certification to the state's Teacher Education Advisory Committee. The committee recommended approval ofallthe education programs except biology.

SELAH: Describe briefly the requirements for certification

Weaver: TheVirginia Board of Education requirements are fairly simply.A graduate must have had 24 credithoursofbiological science with supporting courses inmathematics and chemistry. We areexpected to promote critical thinking andanunderstanding of thescientific method andto teach the history and philosophy ofscience, including the concepts of evolution We do all of that

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