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Quality not quantity
Story by Leslie Cambell
Q,Lualitynotquantity isdirectorKim Renas'sideaofwhat Chamber Choirshouldtry to achieve.TheChamber Choir isa group of committed people, committed tothe Lord,tothe school,to Renas,andto themselves.Students are drawn intosingingfor the choir because of itshigh quality of musicianship and high level of performance Members respect theidea that nothing less willdo,anda wide varietyof classicalmusic addsjusttherighttouch to make the choir distinct. Freshman Tina Ellenburg feelsthat the chamber choir has helped her with her vocal range aswellas other areas ofher life. Renas describedthe 1982-83 choir asbeing "larger than usual and having a greater amount oftalentin number and inpercentage."He alsoadded, "The choir hadnot advanced asfar as he had hoped However, they were greater than ever
"The musical levels of concerts were higher, music wasmore difficult, and performance was ata higher levelthan usual, moving rapidly toward university quality," he said
Throughout the year, the Chamber Choir sang forthe 5:00 p.m serviceon the mountain Both fall and spring semesters thechoirgave concert performances inthe LBC recital hall, and many times during the year itsang for special events such as the Christmas banquet
Renas wants to setup a tour ofGreat Britainin1985, and healsowants thechoir to advance musically ata fasterrate Chamber choir members appreciate what they have been taught and what they have learned, yet most of their attention centers upon the respect of leadership Members respect Renas forhisadmiration of hisstudents, hisgoals, and hisfuture plans concerning the choir
Mediocrity isunheard of among members of the Chamber Choir Developing deepened friendships, positive attitudes, disciplined minds,well-balanced lives, and spiritualgrowth were justa few ofthepersonal goals of theChoir. Allreached for goals to achieve,committed to excellence every step ofthe way.
This year's choir was larger and had a greater amount of talent in number and percentage, " said director Kim Renas.
Throughout theyear, theChamber Choir sang for the 5 p.m. church services on the mountain. It also sang for special events, such as the Christmas Banquet.
SMITE's goal this year was to reach people