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Singers represent LB C for a full nine month s
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From the residence of an old beach house inSocaster,S.C.,seven miles south of Myrtle Beach,the team packed its boldly printed "LBC Singers" bus and semitruck to begin a fullnine months of traveling, ministering, singing, and individually growing inall areas ofhumanity.
Although thebright, multi-coloredlights, spotlight, sound system, themulti-media program and performances appealed to people asbeing a glamorous opportunity, the team learned what itwas tosurrender God-given talents to the ministry of the Lord.
"To letthe people see Godbreaking and working inme wasmy challenge tothem to be open to God's ability to work in them," said sound technician TomVigneulle
A 22-day crusade throughout four provinces in Canada washosted by evangelist Ken Campbell Entitled "ChristorChaosin Confederation," the crusade stressed Canada'srepentanceofher political, socialand religiousstate
Two days were spent in the Colorado Rockies forThanksgiving. Director Mick Vinneulleand hiswifeSue,joined the team for twodays during Thanksgiving atDenver, Colorado
"It was a needed break," said Wendy Grubb,a senior from Camarillo, California "Iwas physically refreshed bythe restand relaxation, emotionally refreshed bythe no-pressure atmosphere and most importantly,spiritually refreshed by time spent alone with Christ in the beauty ofthe mountains."
Thanksgiving was atime fortheteamto come together as a family, thanking God for His hand on their ministry.
The LBCSingers' objective isto show a genuine love from Christ tothe peoplein each audience and to project a positive portrait of the students produced by LBC.
Many financialsupporters ofLBC attend church services,banquets,and "Look Up America" rallies toreceiveaglimpse ofthe young men and women they support in prayer and monetarily.
The highlight of the second semester was the Singers'nine-day tripto Honolulu,
After months ofsending support letters torelatives, friendsand previous hosts, the team praised God astheir plane landedin Honolulu, Hawaii.
Greeted with smiles, "Aloha's," and fresh leis, the singers were taken invans to tour thegarden center of theworld The singers sang in malls, churches, schools, and ina hotel on Waikiki Beach
May came quickly andtheteam finally drove onto LBC's campus The sound track, "Hooked on Tchaikovsky" blared loudly as a finale to a year full oflove, sharing and excitement in the service of Christ Jesus
"We formed a family structure through out the year andkept ourfamily unified I knew itwas the end of the year, but it wasn't theend of our family," said Brad Frailey, theteam leader