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After football season, players auditioned for Concert Ban d
They opened with Field Commander Tom Talley's arrangement of "God Bless America" and performed several selectionsfrom theirrepertoireincluding "Spanish Dreams" and "Over the Rainbow."
At theclose ofthefootball season, auditionswere conducted fortheconcert band Applicants played one personally selected piece and sight-read a piece selected by Locy. Fifty-five musicians were chosen.
Their superior ability was notthesoleconsideration however. "We were looking for spiritually mature people who would be good examples for LBC," Locy said.
The concert band played at the Marchfor-LifeRally inWashington, D.C.on Janu- ary 22, the 10thanniversary ofthe Roe vs. Wade decision Its spring tour, March 12 through 21, included performances for churches and Christian schools inAlexandria, Va., Washington, D.C, Bloomfield, N.J., Philadelphia, Buffalo,and Toronto
They held their Spring Concert on April 15 and gave a special concert for the graduating seniors on May 7 The concert band also played at Commencement Presentations contained both sacred music and concert music.
"Though our spring itinerary contains more listener's than performer's concerts, the caliber of music has improved. On a ratingscaleofoneto six,ourmusicanscan perform five to six level selections." Locy said
A performer's concert centers on the musician's abilitytoplay challenging, difficult music, whereas theemphasis ofalistener'sconcert istorelatetothe audience
No matter what level ofdifficulty,band members worked to meet a challenge which knows no ultimate satisfaction: not only to be the best,but to be better.
Members of the percussion unitplay their special during half-time. Theirperformance addedclass.
Members of the band celebrate a football victory.