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Eager activists
Story by Toby Kern
1 hroughout the year the LBC Young Americans for Freedom capitalized on every opportunity topromote the principles of the conservative movement.
"Most outstanding chapter in America," Alan Ashkinaze of the YAFnational office applauded the Liberty chapter. "You have combined determination and grass roots activism in maintaining a conservative presence in the community and onthe campus."
However, theclimb tothetopwas not easy for YAF This year the Liberty chapter was forced to make many changes after struggles within theclub last year Yet,inone year,the LBCYAFwas able to recruit 250 new members This number easily returned YAF to being thelargest clubon campus.It alsoallowed YAF toadd the title of "Largest Chapter inthe Nation" to its list ofprestigious merits.
The Liberty YAF wasable toclaimits honors through providing its members with the opportunity toconvert conservative political theory into practical application
YAF began itsbusy agenda for the year on August 31, 1982,the anniversary ofthe implementation of martial law in Poland. Fifteen YAF activists participated in two pro-solidarity demonstrations, combining their efforts with 200other national YAF members inWashington D.C Thedemonstration aroused the attention of all the major networks For its participation inthe rally, LBC received Virginia's "Chapter of the Month" award
In September, YAF featured Congressman Larry McDonald, a national advisor forYAF Hespoke on the practical application of politicsto young people McDonald isa leader inthe conservative movement and amanwho, Dr.Falwell said,"votesby principle." McDonald told the students that "we have lost theknowledge of the principles which made usgreat." This address by Congressman McDonald served as a stepping stone to activate YAF members for the coming months.
In November, YAF played an important part intheVirginia elections. Many YAF members worked long hours at the Lynchburg Republican headquarters during the campaign Liberty contributed valuable workers who utilized various promotional techniques to support conservative hopefuls. Many spent hours on the telephone while others distributed handbills
Also inNovember, the LBC YAFheldan anti-nuclear freeze rally in downtown Lynchburg The peace through strength rally was the highlight of the year, according to John Pyle,the LBCYAF chairman. Fifty YAFactivists gathered on November 20 to protest what they feltwas one of the most dangerous movements in America General George Keegan, Jr.,former Chief of Air Force Intelligence, spoke at the prodefense rally General Keegan is currently co-chairman of the Coalition for Peace Through Strength Therally attractedextensive local media coverage and leftan impressive impact upon the community.
Another major event ofthe year for YAF was itsparticipation in thetenth annual National March ForLife rally in Washington,D.C.Over 190 LBC students filledseveral buses on January 22totravel to the anti-abortion demonstration LBC students joined hands with fellow protesters in demand forahalttotheescalating number of abortions each year Therally once again found wide media attention Republican Senator Jesse Helms ofNorth Carolina specifically thanked LBC's YAFforits diligent efforts
YAF enjoyed an active year. With more than 200 members the group was not only the largest club on campus, butit also received the title, "The Largest Chapter inthe United States. " John Pyle meets with Congressman Larry McDonald, who spoketo YAFin late September.
In addition to organizing the feature events ofthe year, the leadership also expanded YAF's influence.
YAF printed itsfirst newsletter at the beginning ofthe year Thenewsletter was the chief vehicle ofthe club for informing its members of issues and events The newsletter was instrumental inproviding a channel through which students could voice their perspectives on issues
April's activities thrust YAF into the forefront oflocal news Days before VicePresident George Bush's April 13 visit, YAF publically voiced itsopposition to his views.
In an unusual move ofpublic disagreement with Dr Falwell,whovoiced hissupport for Bush, YAF quickly drew a line challenging students to examine the issues.
One week later, YAF again expressed its disagreements with past actions ofSecretary ofEducation Terrel Bell. To end the year on a positive note, YAF presented Secretary ofthe Interior James Watt with the Guardian of Freedom award inrecognitionofhisstrong conservative position and stand in the midst of media and liberal pressure
This implementation ofinnovative methods hashelped YAF amplify its voice of concern andto solidify itsimpact inpolitical battles.