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Two special events

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Multi-purpose Center . . . long, procession ofprofessorsinlong robes two senators on stage ... prayer ... John Warner talksabout his impressions ofGorbachev . . . Paul Trible talks about the need for schoolswith values, hisoldcollege,hisdaughter ... Dr. Guillermin reads the proclamation of the establishment of the school He presents Dr Falwell with the founder's ring immediate standing ovation .. . Chuck Sullivan and Stephanie Cratch sing . . .Chuck's face lightsup on the lastnote

Kendra Cook sings the earsin theaudience light up on the last note ... Dr, Falwell preaches . . ."Who knoweth whether thou artcome to the Kingdom for such a time as this?" . , ,standing ovation again . . . long, procession of professorsinlong robes . . . the end


Convocation Day coincided withthe completion of the Arthur S DeMoss Learning Center Theweekend celebrationbrought SenatorsJohn Warner and Paul Trible to campus (right) as featured speakers, Former Sounds of Liberty,Stephanie Cratch and Chuck Sullivansang;facultymarched in regalia.Atthededication(top)Dr. JerryFalwell presented Mrs.DeMoss,who cut theribbon.

H e blew in from the buckle on the Bible belt — Tulsa and he came crusading,He brought hismusic man John McKay — to warm us up And just as we began to feel comfortable smiling and clapping, herose, Bible in hand. He confronted us— this former president ofthe Southern Bap- tist Convention.He wanted to know if we were wheat or tares, He toldusGod was inescapable And for a few days in November,Bailey Smith was inescapable,too. repentance anddedication Many students responded be a Christianand own a $600 million/year business at the • same time.

Of course, the Bailey Smith Crusade wasn't the only preaching students heard.

•Rumanian pastor Joseph Ton,spoke ofthenarrowway, dailybearing thecross, martyrdom Thispale,dark man with the thick accent had been persecuted by the communists.He knew hissubject firsthand.

'Pastor Chuck Milhoff spoke during Pastor's Conference and said a great church, a •growing church needs a band • offightingmen who know how to pray and who show up rain or shine.

•Dr. Falwell said God didn't make usrobotsto do what He watned ustodo. ButHe made us so we can choose to do what He wants us todo

"Dr Ron Sauer ofthe School ofReligionsaidGod will giveus great trials, but He willgive us great calmness and peace. Christ'sdisciplesknew He cared forthem,but they didn't know how much He cared untilCalvary.

*Dr. Dobson said God doesn'tcall us alltotheforeign mission field, but He callsusto be willing to go whereHe wants us togo.


Television has brought a new atmosphere tochapel with two cameras stationed on a raisedplatform (above)and a roving cameraman scanningthe audience Chapel singers(right)from YouthQuestare (from left) JeffJohnson,Yvette Guridy, MikeWilliams, TinaEllenburg, Matt Willmington, Karen Randlett, Julie Blazs, Charlie White,Pam Taylor, BrianBeverly, Chris May,and Craig Anderson Speakers first semester included DanielHenderson, an LBC graduate (bottom, left), who spoke during a three-day revival; singer Craig Anderson (bottom,middle);and evangelist BaileySmith.

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