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Townies gettoliveit up

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/ :00 a.m. — Youshut the [\ alarm off,making a hasty

^•S decision not to use the morning to read thechapters you didn't finish last night. You go back to sleep

8:50a.m. — You awake and realizeyou'retoo late forchapel

No problem Asa town student whosefirstclassisnotuntil 10:20, you're exempt.

9:10a.m. — Afterashower,you fish around intherefrigeratorfor something toeat Finding only some wilted lettuce andstale bread, you jump into the car and get a cup ofcoffee and a cinnamon biscuitat Hardee's.

9:40a.m. — Youwhip into the town student parking lot; and, knowing allthefrontspacesare filled, youhead tothe back of thelot Findingnospacesatthe back ofthe lot,youturnaround, drive the wrong wayina oneway laneand parkin aspotyou think might be a "noparking" zone. But,sinceyou'renotreally sure,youpark there anyway

10:20a.m. — For nearlyanhour, you listento EdHindson's voice crackle inOldTestament 101.

11:45 a.m. — Thecoffeeand the cinnamon biscuit react chemically inyour belly during Theology 202.

12:15p.m. — Againstyourbetter judgment, you eatchili at FastBreak

1:20p.m. — The chili crawlsup your throat as you runa mile and a halfinHyphy 102

2:20p.m. — Yougo tothe library tofinishlastnight'sreading. Yousee a friend and start totalk Youget anangry stare from someone who's tryingto read. Finally,thefriend leaves and you starttoread,but you can't because somebody is talking. You givethem an angry stare.

4:15p.m. — You spend ten minutes looking foryour car because you forgot where you parked it When you find it, there's a ticket on the windshield.

4:20p.m. — You hitbumper-tobumper trafficeleavingschool.

5:00p.m. — Youreach G.E A G.E security guard isdirecting traffic.He motions youtostop while hewaves G.E.traffic on.

5:10 p.m. — You almost get killed on the expressway because some lady didn'trealize therewasnoaccelerationlane

6:00p.m. — You gotothemall and eat supper at Chic-fil-a.

7:10p.m. — You have devotionsand asktheLordtoforgive you forgetting angry atthe lady on the expressway You thank Him for aschoollike Liberty anda country likeAmerica

8:00p.m. — You tryandcall your girlfriend, but the phonein the dorm is busy.

9:45p.m. — You tryandcall yourgirlfriend, but the phonein the dorm is busy.

11:00p.m. — You call your girlfriend, but she gets madbecause you called so lateand woke herup

12:30p.m. — You promise yourself you'll finish that readingin the morning asyoutune in to "Late Night with David Letterman."

1:30p.m. — You wake up on the sofa, turnoffthe T.V.and go tobed.

— Dolph Bell

What's it like to live in town? You can sortsocksat 2a.m. likeBecky Moulton (farleft). Youcanrelax aloneand take it easy likeJohn Wells (above) and you get towatch TV whileyou study withyour feet onthe couch like Ginger Bartram (chair) and Pam Blankenship

Dorm diary

7:15 a.m. — The alarm rings You hitthe snooze button

7:24 a.m. — The alarm rings again.You hit the "off"button and think about going to breakfast. How good those doughnuts with chocolate bits would taste! You turnover and sleep foranother half-hour

9:01 a.m. — You finally makeit to chapel with hair all mussed up afteryou had spent 10minutesmaking it neat.You spend fivemore minutes inthe bathroom tryingtorepairthe damage

9:15a.m. — "Young people, may Ihave your attention please"siftsthroughyourmind Your thoughts drift to the 25 Math problems you forgot to do Math isnext period

10:02a.m. — Chapel's over You finishyour assignment

10:19 a.m. — Panting, you make it to class. You're alarmed toseetheback seats gone You grab a front seat (they're always left) and pray that you don't fall asleep.

11:09 a.m. — You realize you fellasleep and missed theassignment. You grabthe stranger besideyou; and he,withan Isaw-you-asleep-ha-ha smile on his face,tells you about it.

12:03p.m. — Dr.Habermas finisheshis lectureand just aseveryone is ready toleave, astudent inthefrontrow asks,"Do foundational or epistemological basicbeliefsconstitutelogicallynecessary reasonsfor believing higher level propositions?"

Everyone sighs and settles back down intheirseats.Your eyes glare at the inquiring student as you realize you'll be stuckinthelongline atthe Deli

12:27p.m. — You walk around aimlessly, trayinhands, looking fora table,a friend,someone somewhere, to share your 43 minutes oflunch

12:30p.m.— You go to atable whereonlyone personissitting. You lay your tray down. "I'm sorry,this table issaved," he says,biting into histurkey and swisssandwich.

12:35 p.m. — You find a table and sit down Acrossfrom you sits a beautiful blond girl She talksgingerlytohergirlfriendas you eat yourchipsand thinkof some way to introduce yourself.

12:43 p.m. — You finish your sandwich and just as you're about to say "Hi, my name is —" , thegirl getsup. Sheshoots you a have-a-nice-day smile and leaves. You get a Scooter Crunch Bar.

12:58 p.m. — You go to the post officewhere you findannouncements. Your boxmate has 15 letters and a copy of Newsweek waiting forhim

1:20 p.m. — You sitdown in American History,and — surprise! — a pop quizon the rise of the conquistadors.

2:18p.m. — You get back to your room There isplenty of timetodo homework,but you fall victim to the flesh, plop down on your bed and fall asleep.

3:21 p.m. — Your roomate walks in,flips on his Imperials tape and is halfway through "Here on the Rock" when he realizesyou are — or were — asleep.

5:35p.m. — Your roommates join you forhot dogs and sundaes at SAGA.

7:05p.m.— You arrive back at your dorm You look at the Liberty calendar wondering what to do.

7:42p.m. — You, your roommate and a friend throw on some cologne and head for the 8 o'clock movie.

10:05 p.m. — Back at your room, just as you're about to change for bed, someone raps on your window. You open it and there stands a prettybrunette "IsRoger in?"she asks Yourheartdrops."You got the wrong room," you say "Sorry" shegigglesassheskips off. You closethewindow and laughto yourself.

11:45 p.m. — You fall asleep praying

Dorm lifemeans dorm work. Karen c Stumpf washes clothesin the laundry S room. Curt Freed goes over class « notes s

/~:30 a.m — The alarm

^ ^ chirpsand yougroan.You ^•^ hitthesnooze button and snuggle under

5:35a.m. — The peace-hater goes offagain.This time hubby rollsover and moans, "Honey, either turn itoffor get up,but pleasedon'tletitgo offagain."

5:36a.m. — Orderscarried out

You're up and disgusted while he's under the comforter hugging yourpillow

5:45 a.m. — Eyes half open, brain inneutral, you stumble to the kitchen.And there theysit. Books They love you,and you hate them — what a relationship!

6:00 a.m. — Putting away homework, you opt to do last night's dishes instead, telling yourself you're a halfway decenthousekeepr.Forbreakfast

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