1 minute read
The y lift weights
Everyone uses LU's weightlifting program. On-season, off-season, and preseason,allthe teams use it for conditioning
Head strength coach David Williamsand his assistant Bill Gillespie assist lifters Gillespie, a 1983graduate ofLBC, holds an American drug-free record in the sguat in the 242-pound classand a similarrecord inthe dead lift inthe275-poundclass Liftersare planning to start a club next semester that would enter intercollegiate competition Severalliftershave already a started competing in area | meets
a — Paula Anderson
Forfifty centsa night(from 7to 10Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) studentscanwalk intotheweightroom and work out Whether performng a tricepextension (top) or squatting under 295pounds (middle),orcurling65 pounds (above)orbenchpressing 245pounds, even non-athletes like keeping incondition