1 minute read


The publications department « housed In theTeacher Education Building — does the editing. Afirsteditand a copyright check isdone after a courseguideline— orworktext isreceivedfromaprofessor. Editorsthen sit infrontofa TV and make sure the worktext correlateswiththevideotape. A finaledit and typesettingIs done at the Moral Majority Building.

I Wrigglesworth, LU '85, takesa finished tape outofthe editingmachine after he hasinserted needed graphics, taken outglitches (mistakescaused by machine malfunctioningorby human error),added thecolorgraphicsto theintroduction and conclusionofthe tape,and then dubbed (duplicated) thetape sothat a master will always be available Copies are kept atOld Tfrne and

Elmer L Towns

Acting Dean of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

B.A., Northwestern college; M.A., Southern Methodist University; Th.M, Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; M.R.E., Garrett Theological Seminary; D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary; D.D , Baptist Bible Col-

Carl J Diemer

Assistant Dean of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute an d State University; M.Div., Th.D. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

James A. Borland

Professor of Biblical Studies

B.A., Los Angele s Baptist College; M.Div., Los Angeles Theological Seminary; Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.D., Grac e Theological Seminary

Ronald E Hawkins Director of Counseling

B.A., Barrington College M.Div, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Ed.S Lynchburg College; D.Min., Westminister Theological Seminary

Richard D. Patterson

Chairman, Department of Biblical Studies

Professor of Biblical Studies

A.B., Wheato n College; M.Div Los Angeles Baptist Seminary; Th.M Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A. Ph.D. University of California at Los Angeles

Frank J Schmitt

Chairman, Department of Educational Ministries

B.A., Samford University: M.R.E. Ed.D., Ne w Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

ProfessorofChurch History

B.A.,Young Nam University of Taegu, Korea; B.D. Presbyterian Theological Seminary;ST.M. New York Theological Seminary; Th.D Dallas Theological Seminary

AssociateProfessorofBiblical Studies

BS , Evansville University;M.Div.,Th.M. Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary

Administrative Counsel


B.A., Augustana College; J.D University of Illinois;M.Div., Central Baptist TheologicalSeminary ofMinneapolis; M.A. Ph.D. University of Minnesota

ProfessorofHebrew andOld

Testament B A , Mississippi College; M.Div.,Th.D., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Chairman Department of TheologicalStudies


B.A., Washington Bible College: B.D, Th.M.,S.T.M.,Th.D.,Dallas Theological Seminary

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