1 minute read
Ever y meeting oftheCircle KClubstartsoutthesame: "We need some volunteers."
President Lorri Burton is recruiting club members towork at the Bloodmobile
"We'llneed acoupleofguys outat8o'clock tohelpset up," she says.Hands go up.
"Good. Okay,we also need volunteers to work allthrough the day There's a sign-up sheet going around.Put down what hoursyou can be there."
A club member interrupts. "Thedonating goesalotfaster when we schedule appointments.So,we need a few volunteerstositoutsideSAGA and scheduledonors."
A gentlemen stands up. "If any ofyoucanhelp, we need some volunteers at EC Glass Saturday forOperation Planta-Tree."
Another member speaks up "Also,don't forget theluncheon tomorrow at theHoliday Inn. There's a sheet going around foryou to sign if you can makeit."
Lorri steps back up tothe mike."Another thing, the Presbyterian Home called, and they need some volunteers to go out on either Monday or Thursday nighttohelpkids with homework I know a group of you goonTuesday.Butif some otherscould make it onone of these nights, seeme after the meeting."
She continues "Now, Rhon- da'sgoingtocome up andtalk a littleabout Christian Service hours. Then Joanie's got something tosayaboutthe socialcommittee."
Rhonda Hight, one ofthe club's secretaries, proceeds to tell how many hours everyone hasracked up(orfailed to rack up) for ChristianService credit.
Then Joan Bryant, vice-president in charge ofsocial activities talks about a couple of get-togethers with otherclubs inthe area.
"Do you want to come to boring meetings orwould you rather have some fun?" she asks
Before the meeting ends, Lorri makes one last announcement."Ifanyofyouwill behere over Christmas, the Special Olympics is atWintergreen on the 16th and 17thofJanuary They'll need some volunteers