1 minute read
Hockey — it's new! It's wild!
Liberty ice hockey, relativelynewontheathletic program, drewcrowdsofonly 200 to 300, butDr,GaryHabermas, coach, wasn't disappointed.
Hefelt that wasagoodturnout, considering thefactthat histeam didn't play in Lynchburg atall. Spectators had to travel to Vinton, anhour's drive fromcampusif theywantedto cheer forthe team.
The season had its share of highlights Thebiggestwas winningfiveofthefirst six games
The team played and beat Roanoke College twice, the Roanoke city men's team once, and the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
The coach plansto schedule more games for the 1987 season He knows ofno plans to build an icerinkon campusin the near future.