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What TIME magazine missed incover story on Dr. JerryFalwell, studentssee every day

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"Ishe,ashis followersproclaim, thetruest and bravest voice the whole Fundamentalist movement, crying out against therising tideofsinandsleaze?

Or is he with his swiftmind glibtongue, a modern Elmer Gentry, apower preacherwith a corrupt soul?"

Time Magazine from its September 2,1985 cover story.

Too bad TIME Magazine can't figure out our Chancellor. Too bad it saw onlyone sideofthe American phenomenon known as Jerry Falwell. Too bad it missed the real story on this man For,asthosewho lovehim know, Dr.Falwell is really asofty at heart Hisheart maybe surroundedby arock-hardpillarof conviction, butinsideit'sassoft as a baby's cheeks

TIME and the rest of the world see the pillarpart — the press conferences, the grueling speaking schedules,thethree sermons andtwoTV shows on Sunday They seethefive hours of sleep a night,the working lunches, the hours-long marketingmeetings, Butonlythose close to thepillar ever get a glimpse of hissoftheart didn'twriteabout his watching theDallasCowboys or full-contact karate on ESPN withson Jonathan. TIME didn't mention that Falwell,despite a schedulethatgenerally covers8,000 miles a week,rarelyspendsthe night away from home

TIME didn't see him good-heartedly punch a footballplayeror tease oneof the Sounds ofLibertyaboutanew boyfriend. It schedulingwork on family birthdays and reserves Saturdays forfamily day

But TIME should've written aboutthesethings. Because ifit weren't fora soft heart that lovesGod,country and family, there wouldn't be a rock-hard pillarof conviction weathering abuse for family,country and God

TIME didn't say that he'd rather gethome at3a.m.than spend a night away from the family There wasnomention thatDr Falwellforbidshis advisorsfrom

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