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South Africa crisiscompels Jerry Falwelltospeak up

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"Aug 13— Angered by media bias against South Africa, Dr Jerry Falwell leaves on a fact-findingtriptotalk toState President P.W. Botha and Foreign MinisterRoelof F.Botha, *Aug. 20 — Falwell returns and holdspressconferencesin New York and Washington, saying about Bishop Desmond Tutu, "Ithinkhe's a phony, period,as far as representing the black people ofSouthAfrica."

He says Moral Majority will spend $1 million to combat a South Africa sanctions bill in Congress, "Aug,21 — Falwell appears on "CBS Morning News" and "Good Morning America" where the Rev,Jesse Jackson publiclychallengeshimtoadebate.A storm ofcriticism from across the nation and from hometown Lynchburg rolls in.

"Aug, 23 — Falwell sayshis choice of the word "phony" was unfortunate He wiresan apology toTutu

*Aug 25 — Falwellexplains hiscomments to church members at Thomas Road Baptist Church.That night,alongwith Washington Times columnist John Lofton and syndicated columnist Cal Thomas,Falwell speaks to the nation abouthis tripon hisprogram, "Jerry FalwellLive."

'Aug 31 — The Rev Jesse Jackson comes to town foran anti-apartheid rallyat the invitation of area ministers He meets Falwell to lay ground rulesfor an upcoming debate on "ABC News Nightline,"Falwell, standing infrontof a sign which reads, "We are against apartheid, too ... " greets about 100 demonstrators at Court Street Baptist Church. The crowd heckles Falwell

'Sept. 1 — Jesse Jackson addresses a packed house duringtheSunday morningservice at Thomas Road. He receives politeapplause

'Sept 3— Falwell and Jackson,ina specialone-hourshow, debate sanctionslive on "ABC News Nightline."

'Sept. 8 — Again, "Jerry FalwellLive"concerns SouthAfrica withspecialguestsJohnLofton and the South African Am- bassador to the U.S. Hermann Buekes.

'Sept. 9 — Trying to stave off an imminent foreign policy defeat because of intense anti-apartheid sentiment in Congress, President Reagan agrees to impose limited economic sanctions against South Africa

Thecrisis loses steam.Congress and theliberalsback off — until the next round. — DolphBell

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