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A manofmany titles, many accomplishments and many associations still finds time for

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He's part administrator, part * Obtaining approval from the budgeteer, part counselor, StateCouncilofHigherEducapart community leader, part tion public relations agent, part * Obtaining NCAA DivisionII teacher, and part diplomat, status But he'sknown as president. * Obtaining teacher certifica-

Dr. A, Pierre Guillermin has tionfortheSchoolofEducation been withLibertysincethebe- *Securing a recognizedfaculginning. Fifteen years at the ty with more than 50 percent helm, Guillermin has kept on holding earned doctorates course for achievement. His * Designing a 25-year master victoriesinclude: planforthe continualphysical, * Obtaining accreditation by academic and administrative the Southern Association of growth of the university Colleges and Schools The man with the glasses and


the irresistible grin also works hard to keep the lines of communication open to students, who have direct access tohis officethrough a telephoneline established to handle their concerns. He writes a column forthestudent newspaper. He regularly eats lunch with student leaders. He mingles with students inthehalls.

Guillermin could also be called Mr.Association,Thelist of associations he belongs to goes on forever,— DolphBell

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