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What do you do at LibertyUniversity?

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Dr. C. Sumner Wem p Vice President of Spiritual Affairs

THE SPIRITUAL SPARKPLUG — "I thinkit's importanttokeep everybody fired up, excited, stirredup.Itrytoremindeverybody that there's a world out heregoingtohell... I've been inschoolworkfor25years, and I'm shocked how easilywe forgetthere'sa worldgoingtohell

I got saved 45 years ago, and Ihaven't gotten over it yet I justhaven't gotten over that God loves me and that Christ died for me I find that people need to be reminded ofthat ... The second thing is teaching the Christian lifein class, teaching people how to walk in the Spirit... We'retelling people today to live the Christianlife, and we pointout a bunch of switches — don't do this, don't do that, and don't do the other — but we don'ttellthem how tolive. And we need to know how to be filled with the Spirit ... So my biggest desire isto help folks learnabout this wonderfulperson — the Holy Spirit."

Dr. Earl Mills Vice President for Institutional Advancemen t an d Planning

THE PLANNER — "My secretary saidthatthere'sabout 21 major projectsthatI work on ata time ...All sorts ofplanning, of course,goesthroughthisoffice the budget planning,curriculum planning, program planning The major thing thatis most visibleon campus, of course,is the facilitiesthat we designand develop ... But behind thescenesthere's alot ofplanning... We areinvolved in overseeing the campus computerization. We operate the computer center, then also,we are involved withthe campus development program; that's fundraising,recruitment, and alumni programs,W e are alsoinvolved in the campus growth programs self-growth programs — thatprovideseminarsforfacultyand staff for self-enrichment

• •. We're alsoinvolvedinevaluation programs which helpto evaluate ourinstitution It continually must be evaluated Then there'sdata We haveto continually accumulate data for the institution and file reportswiththestateandnational accrediting associations. That's an ongoing situation thatneeds to be done continually."

Vice President for Academi c Affairs

MR. ACADEMIC — "I am responsibleto thepresidentfor all academic matters. Iapprove or recommend to the president actionspertainingto faculty, recruitment, appointments, promotion, termination, dismissal, curricular matters, grievances of faculty, allacademic budgetary matters, evaluationoftheschool deans and faculty salaryincreases

"I furnish the direction and guidance to the school deans inthe successful development and operation of theschools.

"Ihave the responsibilityfor the supervision, with the aid of the school deans, of all academic programs and academic personneloftheuniversity.

"Iam a member ofthe president'scabinet."

Vice President for Student Affairs

THE SHEPHERD — "I'm primarily responsibleforallofthe student activities and organizations outside of the curriculum This involves counseling,discipline, activities, organizations, clubs, intramurals, everything that affectsa student'slife outsideof the classroom.

"While on the one hand I try to keep abreast of the latest developments in student affairs, keeping up withthelegal implicationsand soforth — and that isimportant — I feel my primaryfunctionis inthe pastoral area — toprovidethestaff a strong spiritual emphasisthat willincorporatediscipleshipinto everything that we're doing

"I'd like toseethekindof environment on our campus that respectstheindividualityofstudents, thatdoesnottry toconform them into some type of mold or the production line concept ofa bunch of robots.

"I'dlike to see usbe people who can thinkcritically, people who are deeply committed to theLord, and people whointegrate theirChristianity intoevery area and dimension and level of their life And then besides what Ido here, of course, Ieditthe FundamentalistJournal, and do a few other thingson theside."

Harold Willmington Vice President

Asa vicepresidentof Liberty Universityand Directorof InternationalBible Center, I perform several tasksforboth this institution and the Thomas Road BaptistChurch,

I've written several books since I first came to Liberty — The King Is Coming,Willmington's Guide to the Bible, That Manuscript from Outerspace, SignsoftheTimes, and I'vecreated and visualized chart books for both the Old and New Testaments.

I'm the author of the Willmington's Visualized Study Bible and co-author of When It Hurts Too Much toCry. I'mcontributing author of the Topical Reference Bible and the Liberty Bible Commentary.

I'm presently working on three new books: Israel at Forty,Beyond TrivialPursuit(a Bible listbook),and From Creationto Christ (anOld Testamentoverview)

I'm director of the Local ChurchBible Institute, the LibertyHome BibleInstitute, and the Instituteof Biblical Studies, I write a monthly column for the "Fundamentalist Journal" and am executive editor of ChristianLifeNotes inthe New Open Bible. Iteach Old and New Testament classesat the Instituteas wellas Theology.

Elmer Towns Vice President

My positionatLiberty University requires me to do several jobs. Iam dean oftheB. R. Lakin SchoolofReligion. Asdean, itis my job to oversee the academic program forthe School ofReligion.

Iam in charge of both the Liberty Baptist Seminary and the Graduate School of Religion, aswellastheundergraduate religion program.

Inaddition to that, I am also responsible for the Instituteof Biblical Studies.

As executive directorofthe Liberty Baptist Fellowship for Church Planting, Icoordinate the support of Liberty graduates as they go out and plant churches

I alsocoordinatewithDr Falwellon the training of pastors, missionaries, and church workersatLiberty.

I am alsoinvolved ina number of activities outside the school.I conduct growthseminars inmany churches around the country to teach them to buildstrongSundaySchoolprograms.

I speak frequently atpastors conferences and in churches being pastored by Liberty graduates. My speaking schedule is usually booked a year inadvance.

Inaddition to allthis,I have authored 43 books on various subjects, My latestis "Theology for Today."

The students and the overall ministry of this institution are very important to me I council the students on a one-on-one basis and I am director of the LIGHT ministry.

Though I am physically and mentally fighting cancer through chemotherapy treatment, my faith inGod has remained adamant. My family and I must trust inGod for my healing Meanwhile, I will continue to do the best jobpossible for the students and the ministry

Ifeel I have a personal responsibility to keep us distinctively Christian inthe areas of our rules and regulations and policies and in theareasof student behavior

I'm chairman of the judicial committee to which a student may appeal should his dean dismisshim.

That committee decides whether the discision was just and according to the Liberty Way

I'm alsoresponsible forminor appeals short ofdismissal.

Iam theone primarilyresponsible forthe welfare ofourgraduate students. As they have academic difficulties or problems with their landlord downtown they come to me.

I serve also as director of Christian Service and coordinate that program with the Thomas Road Baptist Church and otherchurchesin thearea I'm responsible fortheregistration, evaluation and the grading of each student's Christian Service.

Recently,I'vebeen appointed to be an assistant toPresident A PierreGuill«rmin

My job is to handle disciplinary problems and to provide counseling for students who have emotional problems. I uphold the disciplinary policies as stated inthe "Liberty Way."

Not only am I responsiblefor discipline, but alsoI head housing and room assignments in the dorms I tryto get to know the guys on an individualbasis while I do this.

I deal basically with eight floorsofmen and sixteenRA's.

W e have times of fellowship and Ifeelasifthesearemy own kids

I'm not a Gestapo agent, that'sfor sure, although a large partofmy responsibilityis disciplinary I view my roleasbeinga ministry, asopposed to a job. Ispend time disciplining students, counseling students and serving them I have a responsibility first of all to the Lord, and then I have accountability to the students to warn them as regards the error of their way ... W e (Student Affairs) deal with about fivepercentof thestudentpopulation

Istarted working here in the fall of 1984, having graduated with a bachelors degree from Franklin and MarshallCollege. My work is primarily with freshmen and Ioversee the freshman dormitories.

I act as an advisor or helper to 1,500 town students. Ourofficehelpsstudentsmove in, adjust, and relocate.

Thisyear we started a catalog of rental apartments with reviews and surveys reported by previous town students.

W e must on occasion deal withthediscipliningof townstudents.W e alsotryto visit married town students during the course of the semester and provide counsel and financial help when needed.

Ina very realsense Liberty is my life My wife and Ilive on campus and we're heavilyinvolved instudent life and welfare.

I've earned my Bachelor of Science degree hereaswellas my Master of Arts degree in counseling.

In my work with students I oversee the residentassistants and their work.

Inaddition, I'm anadministrative assistanttoPresidentPierre Guillermin.

Jane McHaney AssociateDean of Women

I'm responsible to assist the Dean of Women in matters concerning the general welfare of all women students on campus.Iministertostudentsin whatever concerns them — if it's personal orsocialor somethingabout their academiclife on campus.

I counselthosestudents who have behavioral problems and that's probably the biggest part of my job.I work to help them through those problems sothey can have a reallysuccessful life here atLiberty.

Assistant Dean of Women

I'm involved inthe discipline process, from accumulation of reprimands allthe way up to dismissal. ButthethingIlikebest aboutworkingwithStudentAffairs is theopportunity to minister to students and to help them change theirlives. Working with the students on disciplinaryprobationis really excitingbecausethosestudentsare the ones who've made mistakes inthe past and want to be different. We try to give them all the help we can.

Mark Hine Assistant Dean of Men

I've worked with studentaffairssincethefallof1979— the firstyear as dean.

I earned my Bachelor ofScience degree from Liberty and my Mastersdegree fromLiberty Theological Seminary.

I oversee the male upperclassdormitories.

Tom Diggs Dean ofAcademic Services

I supervise and coordinate the Offices of Advising, Placement and Testing,Admissions, and Records. Ihaveten people on my staffin admissions, ten in records, nine in occupational guidance and eight in academic services. I also have threeassistants.

Iassist with the student recruitment program,enrollment projections and retention.

Iam a permanent member of the Committee on Academic Standards and Admissionsas wellas the Council on Academic Affairs.

David D. Allison

Acting Chairman, Department of Drama

Assistant Professor of Dram a

B.A., Asbury College

M.A., M Div., Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Cecilia Arnold

Instructor of Art

B.A., Asbury College

M.F.A., University of North Carolina

H. Glenn Sumrall

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

B.S., Southern Louisana University

M.S., Ph D. Louisana State University

Robert Chasnov

Assistant Professor of Physics

B.S. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

M.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois-Urban a

ATreva Babcock Chairman, Department of Human Ecology

Associate Professor of Huma n Ecol- og y

A.A., Yakim a Valley College

B.S., Washington State University

M.S., Winthrop College

Ph.D., University of North Carolina

Wilma Barlow feAssistant Professor of Mathematics

B.A., Franklin College

M.A. East Tennessee State University

Richard D. Barnhart

Associate Professor of Mathematics

B.S., Whitworth College

M.S., Ph.D., University of Idaho

J.J. Houk

Professor of Economics

B.A., Brown University

MB.A., University of Helsinki, Finland

L.L.B., LaSalle University

Ph.D., American University

J. Russell Cooley

Associate Professor of Biology

A.B., M.A., Marshall University

Keith Currie Assistant Professor of Music

B.M.Ed. Grac e College

M, Ed., Indiana University of Pennsylvania

David L. Ehrman

Coordinator, Performance

Professor of Music


B.M., M.M., University of Cincinnati Conservatory

Joan M. Flewell Assistant Professor of Music

B.A., Concordia College

M.A., Trenton State College

Professor of History

B.A., M.A., University of Louisville

Ph.D., University of Kentucky

Lane P. Lester Director, Center for Creation Studies

Professor of Biology

B.S.E. University of Florida

M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University

Robert Littlejohn

Chairman, Department of Biology

Associate Professor of Biology

B.S., Baylor University

M.S., Stephen F Austin State University

Ph.D., Washington State University

Lawrence N. Lo Professor Of Music

Associate and Licentiate of To*

Sol-Fa College of Music

Curwe n Memorial College (England)

Licentiate Diploma, University °> Toronto, Canad a

M.M., D.M.E., Indiana University


B.S., M.A., Wayne State University Ph.D.,University of South Carolina

A.D., Henry Ford Community College

B.S.N., University of South Carolina M.S.N.,University of Virginia

B.F.A.,University of Arizona

M.A., Adelphi University

B.S. M.Ed. Wayne StateUniversity Ph.D. University of SouthCarolina

Professor of Biology


Assistant Professor of Music

B.A., M.A., Eastern Michigan University

Social Sciences

Associate Professor of History

B.A.,University of South Dakota

M.A. University of Minnesota Ph.D. University of Virginia

B.A.,University ofLouisville

M.S., University of Arkansas

Ph.D.,University of Kansas

B.A..M.A.,Ph.D.,UniversityofTexas at Austin Diploma,DallasBible Institute University




B.S.,M.S.,Ph.D.,The Ohio State University

B.A.,University of Northern Iowa

M.S.T., Middle Tennessee State University

Ph.D.,University of Wyoming

B.S. University of Kerala,India

M.S., University of Agra,India

Ph.D.,Louisana State University


M.F.A.,University of Florida

Louis D. Overcast Assistant Professor of Natural Sciences

B.S., Northern Montana College

M.S., University of Wyoming

M. Jane Pfeifle Assistant Professor of Nursing

R.N., Lutheran Hospital School of Nursing

Diploma,Moody BibleInstitute

B.S.N.,Marycrest College

M.P.H.,University of North Carolina

M.A. Marycrest College

Paul Walter Sattler

Assistant Professor of Biology

B.A.,University of Toledo

M.S., Miami University

Ph.D. Texas Tech University

Charles Poe Associate Professor of Psychology

B.A.,M.A.,University of Arkansas Ph.D.,University of Missouri

H. William Wheeler Chairman. Department of Psychology

Director Psychological Services

Asiotcnt Professor of Psychology

B A Eastern Nazarene Colege

M S Vtxyrio Commonweatfh University

Lynn Wayne Seipp Associate Professor of Music

B.F.A. University of South Dakota MM., West Virginia University D.M., Florida State University

David P. Randlett Chairman, Division of Fine Arts

Associate Professor of Music

B.M. Eastern Nazarene College

M.M.E. George Peabody College for Teachers

D Mus. California Graduate School of Theology

James D. Siddons Chairman, Department of Music and Art

Associate Professor of Music

B.M., North Texas State University M Mus. Universityof London Certificate, Osaka University of Foreign Studies (Japan)

Ph.D., North Texas State University

Steve Reitenour Assistant Professor of Music

B.S., Liberty Baptist College

M.S. Radford University

Sharon L. Wheeler

Instructor of Drama

A A Pmce George's Community Colege

B A Unrversity ol Maryland

M A Unrversity of Virginia

Mark W. Steinhoff Associate Professor of History

B.A. Columbia University

M.A.,Johns Hopkins University Ph.D. New York University

Eleanor M. Treece Chairman, Department of Nursing

Professor of Nursing and Missions

R.N., Mansfield General Hospital

School of Nursing

B A., Ashland College

M.Ed., Ph.D. University of Minnesota

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