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King's players serve with talent

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Th e King's Players were on the road again this year but not to the extent of other teams, other years.

Where teams once stayed on tourallyear, inexchange for a year's tuition, King's Players now take weekend trips to churches and schools a few hours away. During Thanksgiving break, teamswenttoPennsylvania, Ohio, and New Jersey

Approximately 40 students, most ofthem new totheKing's Players, make up two separate teams. Both teams practice three times a week fortwo or more hourseach session

They use their dramatic presentations of the Gospel to present audiences with their need forsalvation, praise,and a closerfellowship withthe Lord Jesus.

The group also uses music,

Members singsolosand duets. With three unique plays and their variety of musical numbers, the King's Players serve the student body (they performed during FineArts Appreciation Week) and the community.


King'sPlayers(Left:) (Seated,left to right) Brenda Hobert and Leslie Heinbuch (middle)KellyBushey,Rick Birkey, Greg Hartman,Jim Carpenter, Melanie Whitman,Charlene Loveday, and BrianMiller(back row,clockwise) Tim Haines,John Handley,Christine Parton,Donna Burkhart, Ross Hayduk, RussHall, KolinLawler.Gary Angstadt, Mandy Barnett,andHeather Crouch

King's Players (Opposite page) (bottom,leftto right) Kimberly Easton, Dawn Gray,Melissa Moon, Melanie Moon. Denise Lance,SallyWilliams, Carlo Powell,Carter Gordon. Beth Kern,(top, leftto right) JeffBuchholz. Wayne Gray. SaulHernandez.Jeff Moore,Pamela Griffith, andPaul Oetting

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