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PAT'ssponsor lectures
Ph i Alpha Theta is an international honor society dedicated to recognizing and encouraging excellence inthestudy ofhistory. It was organized attheUniversity ofArkansasonMay17,1921.Liberty's chapter, Alpha Alpha lota, was founded in1982, and isone of600suchgroupsofhistory enthusiasts nationwide
We currently have 45 active members,including 11faculty, 5 alumni and 29 undergraduates, 20 of whom were inducted intwo ceremonies in September and February.In March of1985,JeffStone and Mario Tizziani represented Liberty by reading papers at a regional meeting hosted by the College of William and Mary. At"PF'85"— Picnic Frivolity'85— held atPeaksview Park on April27, 1985,the following officers were elected for the 1985-86 academic year;President, Chuck Crosby; vicepresident,SusanSchnitker; treasurer, Barb Perry; secretary, TroyTitus; historian, Lowell Sowry. Dr. andMrs. RichardPattersonopened theirhome fora video party inOctober. As a service activity,ten PhiAlpha Thetansassistedthe Lynchburg chapter oftheAmerican AssociationofUniversityWomen (of which Mrs.Boyd Ristwas book sale chairman) with its book sale.
Second semester the club sponsored alectureseries entitled, "VarietiesofHistorical Experience," featuring thefollowing speakers: Dr Richard Patterson, "Epic Motif inthe Ancient World and inthe Old Testament;"Dr. Alexander, visitinglecturer atR.M.W.C. on a topic inBritishhistory;Dr.Boyd Rist,"The Agony and the Ecstacy: Some Observations on the Pursuit of the PH.D." and LeeBruckner, "StudyandTravelinMainland China."
Dr.Mark Steinhoff