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CollegeRepublicans eye TourMore'
Th e Republicanparticipants In the elections of 1984 (and many Liberty studentsamong them) sang a recurring anthem: "Four More Years! FourMore Years!" Bythis time in1988, theconstant chant could very wellbe"Four More Years, One More Time!"
"RonaldReagancreditedthe CollegeRepublicannationalorganization foritsinfluenceon young American voters,"says this year's chairman of Liberty's chapter ofCollege Republicans
KevinBentlytells thepurpose of hisorganization: "Our purposeIstoencouragetheactivitiesoftheRepublicanpartyand to assist inthe election of Its candidates — to city,state, and localoffices. W eformulate andadministerprogramsaimed at Involvingcollegestudents in the Republicanparty," Bentlyhasbeen chosento sit on the prestigious Credentials Committeeofthestateorganization, a committee thatverifies allmaterials sent from the stateheadquartersto campus clubs,
The 1988 election willoffer many opportunitiesforLU'sCollegeRepublicanstobecomeinvolved
Officers of Liberty's chapter were Kevin Bently,chairman; David Webb and Carwln Owens, co-vice chairmen; Kim Winson, secretary; BarryWhite, treasurer;Bob Davis,membership director,