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BusinessandGovernment Spotlight: Mr. Glen Belden
H e says he isa fisherman, specializinginfour-pound catfish, But he fishes in more than one lake.
GlenBeldendirectsthe Liberty Institute of Management Studies, an arm oftheSchoolof Business and Government. He danglesbaitinfrontofworking adults to motivate and edify and equipand inspire them He wantsthem tolearntousetheir skills and knowledgeto greater effectivenesson their job
He is alsodirectorof Liberty's Institutional Effectiveness De- partment,a new facet of the University's effort to meets its goalsineducation and toproduce thekindofstudentit says itwants toproduce.
"We want toknow how well we'redoingeducating. Are we really competent?W e wantto know that."
In bothjobs, Mr.Beldenworks to help people improve what they'redoing
At home, he has three daughters to practice on. Debby is an LUsenior, majoring in education. Chrissie isan LU freshman who will probably major in psychology and/ or sociology. Shelli isa junior at Lynchburg Christian Academy.
Glen Belden getsto have anofficein the Mansion that's off thebeaten path. It's down thehall, throughthekitchen, and down aflight ofstairs. Yet he'scloseenough tohave access toeveryone in the administration.Heconsultswth Dr, Dan Mitchell(right) andDr.RoyEpperly ofHigh PointCollege in North Carolina whoheaded the visitingteam from the Southern AssociationofCollegesand Schools.
Wife Pam shares Glen'slove ofwater sports The family has a camp at Smith Mountain Lake He likes readingandtraveling. And helikesto studypeople.
What does he do when a jokefallsflat? He makesafunny face.
"You have tohave a certain amount ofham inyoutoteach well," he says