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Broadcasters g o local for hands-on experience
Too much reading can be a waste of time, broadcasting majors say They need experience,not books.
So, instead of studying books in the library, they go offin a different direction, trying tobuild their skills at Lynchburg radio stations, the School ofLifeLong Learningor anywhere they can get hands-on experience and good resume material.
The Intercollegiate Religious Broadcasters club bringsLiberty's busy, scattered broadcasters together and slows them down long enough for them to share education and encourage friends to get jobs orinternships
Professional broadcasters speak at meetings. Local station managers,cable workers, and news personalities challenge them to get vast experience while inschool — notin theChristianfield onlybutinthe secular field aswell
Field trips to professional studios, such as the ABC News headguartersand theCBN and PTL networks,give students an insight into theart
Highlight of the year was the annual National Religious Broadcasters convention in Washington,D.C.,held Feb. 25 Here students met the top professionals inthefield.
Christina Wingfield
I.R.B. Members include (sitting) Christina Wingfield,Karen Hamilton, SheriBrown.(Standing in front) Jim Pickering,advisor Michelle Cockrum, Debbie Seagroves;Dung Phan;Elaine Lucadano;Tina Suther;Gitau Muhuro;Dr Fred Haas,advisor (Back Row)Mike Tilley,Deva Singh, BrianBarnhart,Roger Mahr,Renee , Dave Young, KipKubin,DanPelletier, Jay Olhauser.Derek Towse, Mike TilleyandBrianBarnhart