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Dr.Lila Bruckner
"Whatdidyouhave for breakfast today?" This is a question Dr. Lila Bruckner frequently asks her students.
Aschairman ofthedivison of learning assistance,she has a desiretohelpstudents, notjust bygivingthem studyskillsanda good vocabularybutbyshowingthem agood breakfastdailyis important, too
The Learning Assistance Center is a resultof herexpertiseaswellasofherconcernfor students. Shespenteightyears attheUniversityofSouthCarolinaas director ofthereading and strategies center before coming to LU.
She would like toseeeveryone take advantage of the Learning Assistance Center.
"That place isa service to everyone at Liberty," shesays. "You can always learn better study skillswhether you are a lowachieverora4.0student."
She also teaches skillseminarsin organization, time management andhealth.
AschairmanoftheSelf-Study committee on Student Development, she studied every factor that affectsstudent life such asfood service,dorm life, facultyrelations, and intramuralsports
Then hercommittee submitted recommendations tothe administration that she is sure willmake students'life better "Beneficial changes are on the way," shesays.
One ofLilaBruckner'sstrong pointsis herinterest in students. They can tell shereallycares. § TrishStirsman I
Surrounded bycuriosand artifacts from hertrips abroad,Dr. Lila Bruckner works atherdesk inthe University's Learning AssistanceCenter, literally herhome away from home,