1 minute read
Masterbuilderstrack jobs,schedules i
A n organization of about one dozen pastoral training upperclassmen, Masterbuilders, handles the nitty-grittyaspectsofallthebasic ministries assigned pastoral trainingstudents.
For instance, one organizes the jobs and schedules for the some dozen men who captain busesfortheThomasRoad Baptist Church Sunday School program.
Another directs the 40 men who work with the "Senior
Saints,"conducting Bible studiesand preaching in servicesat nursing and retirement homes.
Another organizes the Good News clubs. Afterteaching one himself,he handles the paperwork forthe other20 men who work with him
One writes and edits "The Shepherd's Journal,"a periodical that the Pastoral Training Program publishes
One keeps the files on each man inthe pastoral major, documenting hisChristianService, his extra curricular activities, and relevant informationfor his resume,
Two handle the finalinterviewsofseniorreligionandInstitute students to certify that they not only have their doctrinetogetherbutthatthey are ready forthe next step in their own personalministry
These two alsogather feedback from the graduates to helpthe School ofReligion and the Bible Institute to improve their program