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Where do undecideds go forgood advice? Center hasanswers

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Y ou'r e thesecretaryin the advising center All sorts ofpeople want your advice. Flocks of students file in, some bewildered, some angry, and some just plain lost They have one thing incommon — questions, questions, questions.

"Is this the advisingcenter?" a student asks, leather jacket on and briefcase inhand

"Do you mean the Officeof Occupational Guidance, Career Development, and Academic Advising?" you ask back. it, I think."

"Uh, well is that the same thing?"

"Yes, thename changedthis fall Can I help you?"

"Possibly. My advising is set up with Mrs Miller, the nursing teacher. It'ssupposedtobeDr Miller, psychology."

"We'llsee if we cangetthat straight," you say "Havea seat and we'llget toyou ,,." He sits down,chinin hand. The next in line says, "Me?" say, "Can I help you?"

"Ineed toseeMr Groat,and ,I need to see my transcripts, and could you tell me where .. the Christian ServiceOfficeis?"

"Mr Groat iswith a student, 'butgive me your name and I'll "get yourtranscripts."

"Status sheet?" you ask "Yeah. That's my life for the nextfouryears Have you seen it?"

You mumble "I know I wouldn'thave thrown anything likethataway, Look on that table over there and on the floor."

"My name is Smith, and when can I see Mr, Groat and where . is the Christian Ser , . . " "Scuse me,"interruptsastu1 dent with a lostlook and with desperation in her voice, "I think I have left my . . . sheet '; with all the courses on it... it hasanothersheetattached to

You look at the next person and a "Can Ihelpyou?"fallsoff of yourlips.

"Ineed to find Mr Deecks," you hear ina Spanish accent "Who?"


"Could you spell that, please?"


"Oh, Tom Diggs, dean of academic services I'llget him on the phone ifyou'd like to speak with him."

By the end of the day your brain is a big question mark, and you have no more "CanI helpyous" left, You lookat the clock; and, miraculously, it's 4:30! No more questions! Until tomorrow.


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