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They usesugar tofightfires

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They've got a big glasspig in the businessofficefull ofcandy Students coming in to talk about theirbill orask foradvice or to buy bus tickets or cash a check get to take a piece. Even those who storm inangry get some.

Evelyn Tomlin and her staff in accounts receivable consider theirwork a ministry

"We tryto do everything we can to help these students," she says."We even help some of them balance their checkbooks."

She and her boss Dave Richardson, DirectorofAccounting, admit that the business office has had bad press.

"We don't make the rules," he says, "but we have to enforce them. Ifa student breaks something inthedormitory, Student Affairsputsthe costonhis bill It'sour duty to collect the amount and some students hold that againstus."

"Iwould likeallthestudentsto really get to know the ladies in this office," Miss Tomlin says "We really love the students." She herself donates more than a thousand hours overtime to the school each year.

"It seems that the people who blame usaretheoneshavingdifficultymeeting theirfinan- cialresponsibilities.Itfallson us totell them they can't returnto school," Richardson says.

"We grew sofasthere — we admit it,"MissTomlin says. "We used to have long lines and short tempers Now we have three computers, more room, more help— and lotsofcandy.

"Ifind that the students who work the hardest are the ones who complain the least," she says

"And then there are those who expect togo toschool for nothing." Richardson shrugshis shoulders

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