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Campus Services
With 4,800 square feet of floorspace ina new location in the DeMoss Building, the LU Bookstore employs 10full-time workers and 20 student workers who do anything from stocking shelves to running cashregisters
Thebookstoreservesthestudentsasa convenientplaceto buyclassmaterialand personal itemsduring its 46 hoursofoperation each week.
With more than 170 student employees. Custodial is responsibleforkeepingthebuildingsclean and litter-free, Employees work anywhere from 15to40hoursevery week cleaning the dorms,halls, lobbies, classrooms,and athletic buildings.
Copy Center
With nine full-time employees and three part-time student workers,the Liberty Universitycopy center servesthe facultyby printingexams, class handoutsandtextbooksbythe schoolprofessors.
Inaddition, thecenterserves the student body by printing homework assignments, class projects, posters and promotionalmaterialsfor studentactivities.
Grounds Crew
"Taking care of everything thatis notattached toa building" isthe task of the Liberty Grounds Crew.
Under the direction of Cal Payne,the crew is responsible fordesigning and installing the campus landscape as well as maintence of shrubbery and athletic fields.
The Grounds Crew employs 24 people from Old TimeGospelHour and 14student workers.
Health Services
Seeing some 55 patients everyday ofthe school yearDr Gregg Albers and his staff are faced withthe responsibilityof advising the student body on disease prevention as well as treating those who become sick.
Health Services employs three nurses and six part-time student workerstoassist Albers inhis task.
With a goal of "providing a qualityfood servicetothestudents at Liberty," SAGA increased the seating capacity of the main cafeteria to 1,800 thisyearand added a 450-seat Deli, SAGA employs more than 400 students and 65 non-students.
Post Office
The campus post office is the siteof a daily vigilby everyLiberty student hoping to receive mail (money or food) from home
It was open more than 50 hours each week
With the job of providing 24hour security and immediate medical aid, Emergency Servicesemploys 43full-timepeople and 4 part-time workers.
Thirtyof these are Emergen- cy Medical Technicians, with several working toward their paramedic license
In addition, many ofthe employees are highly accomplished marksmen and self-defense experts, should the need to use these skills everarise