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Miss Liberty1989: KristenParker

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

Imagine fora moment: tenfinalists, a selected few, one ofwill be crowned Miss Liberty 1989. The spotlight aims at each finalist as she steps to the microphone to answerthe finaland possiblydecidingquestion. Thisisthemoment Kristenloy Parker will remember asthe most tense partofthe MissLiberty Pageant, but itwillalsobe her mostmemorable moment asshewas subsequently crowned Miss Liberty.

Parker, 21, of San Diego, California, seta specialgoalinherreign as Miss Liberty and also forherlifetime."I want to exemplify Christ both to the Christian and nonChristianandopen the gospel to them," Parkersaid.

She wants to be remembered by her peers as "a young woman who lovesthe Lord with all her heart and is committed to serving Him with her life," Parker said.

Parker was reared in a Christian home where her parents taughthermoral valuesthrough their commitment totheLord. In1973atIndianHills BibleCamp, Parker wasledto the Lord insideone ofthe prayertepees.

While at Liberty, Parker was involvedin numerous Christian outreach clubs and associations.Shewas alsoan RA for Dorm 261 her senioryear.

Sheis gratefulfor Liberty's commitment to excellenceandforthegodly faculty.Two special professors will always stand out in hermind. Dr.Habermas encouraged Parker to be agodly young woman with high morals. Hetaughthertoknow what shebelieves and to not be ashamed. Dr. Rickard's humble spirit and devotion totheLord also helped Parker inher spiritual life.

When asked what she will miss most about Liberty, Parker said the people, spiritual opportunities and "theexcitement of being part of a campus working towards a goalofmaking a difference."


3:22,23 areherfavorite verses because they helped herthroughcollege. These verses encouraged her by reminding her of God's faithfulness toHischildren.

Parker, an accounting major and May graduate, hopes to obtainherCPAin orderto become a better asset wherever the Lord leadsher. Whethershe is a homemaker or accountant, shewants to serve the Lord through everything.

When Parkerwas asked what adviceshe would like to leave thestudent body,she said,"Honor the Lord daily inallthat you do. Don't look tothethings oftheworld becauseGod is sofaithfuland Hehonors His children whoarefaithful to Him."

Thank you, Kristen Parker, forrepresenting the Lord and Liberty University with such atender, lovingheart.

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