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Bicyclingon Campus

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

Liberty'snew"walking campus"policygave rise toa new and faster transportation trend-bicycling. Bicycles raced around dorm circle, through DeMoss parking lot and uptothe Religion Hall.

Bicycling toclassesallowed forafew minutes extrasleep inthe morning,amost cherished commodity. The new mode of transportation also gave anadded boost ofenergy tosluggish students whotook classesat8:00 a.m.

Bikes were used not only to get toclassesbutasasocial activity forlong Sunday afternoons. Many students gathered ingroupstocyclearound campus. Thoseinterestedinachange ofscenery took their bikestoPeaksView Park and rodeonthe many windingtrails.

Bicyclingwas alsoused asastudy break. Students weary ofsittinginthelibrary forhours would stretch their cramped legsbybiking.Thosetiredoftryingtostudyinthechaosoftheir dorm found solitary peace in cycling.

Bicycling was advantageous inmany ways. Not only did it preventthosewhoowned bikesfrom being tardyto classes, it caused envy in pedestrians whose shoes were ruined from sloshing inthe mud ofcampus construction.

So the "walking campus" policybenefited studentsin two ways. One,it prevented extra pounds from accumulating on thestudentbody, and, two, itbroughtbackanoldAmericanfavorite to Liberty-thebicycle.

Felicia Halstead

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