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Four to a Room

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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

How can one livewith fourpeople in one room? Itisnoteasy. There are four peoplewithfourschedulestryingtolivein one room. There always seems tobe that one roommate whose world ends at 10:00 p.m. What areher roommates todowith their evening? At first they feel guilty making noiseand havingthelightson,but therearethreeofthem andsheis theonly oneasleep.Theresultisthethreeleavethe lightsonandturn themusic up.

Another problem that arises is room jobs. Withfourinaroom,theycollectmore trashanddirtydishesthanafamily of ten people. Thetrashneeds tobedone more thanthreetimesaweek, butwhois going todoit? Novolunteers!

Another important problem is the use ofthetelephone. Does theterm "answering service" sound familiar? The phone alwaysseemstoringforsomeone else,but when one expects a phone call,there is never anopen linetobefound.

There seems tobenoendtothe problemsofhavingfourinoneroom.Solutions to those problems are not veryavailable. Just remember, when you're feeling cramped and miss thatprivacy youused tohave,it only lastsoneyear andthen it will allbeover. Inthemeantime, consider itawaytomake closefriendswho willlast throughout your college career.

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