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To Sleep or Not to Sleep
Saturday has come. A blanket of peacefulness coversa oncebustling campus. Studentsliedreaming, entombed in theirwarm beds. The sun is just peaking from behind themountain tops. The birds arejustbeginning to chirptheirmerry melodies, and the flowers and treesarebursting withcolors.
There areno earlymorning classes, chapelservices, church, orurgent homework tobe done. It is a day to resttheirbodies and minds from thefrantic lastweek and toprepare fortheweek to come.
Many do not gettoenjoy thisfineluxury. They have ajoborreceivean earlymorning phone call or theyareinvolved insome campus activity.They are the ones who take afternoon naps to revive themselves. Saturday is thepeak ofthe week.
Students livefor Saturdays justtohave theopportunity to have nothing to do. Saturdays are important not only for physical strength but for mental strength as well.
Shellie Heckathorn
Homework onthe Field
Intramural fields are not just for sports anymore!
Homework,tests, projects—so many thingswe have togetdone. Who wantstostudywhen theweather is niceand thesunis shining?
Wouldn't youratherbe outinthesunshine than inside working onhomework? Well,nowyou candobothatthesametime.Thismay sound impossible, but it's not.
Studyingontheintramuralfieldsbehind Dorms 27and 28is abig attractionthisyear.Many peoplefinditatimeto gethomework done and enjoytheweatherat thesame time. Freshman Heather Camman says, "It is aquietatmosphere togetwork done." Nannette Weirich states, "When itis nice out, I like to goto theintramuralfield because it is atimeto relaxand getmy homework done. It's achange ofpace from doing homework inthe dorm room."
Otherpeoplehavesaidthatitis atimetobealoneand away from everyone without many disturbances.
Studying ontheintramuralfields canbeverybeneficial. It helps youtorelaxwhilestudyingand cangetyourmind offeverythingelse. Studying ontheopen fieldseems toopen your mind.
JuniorChristineSnyder says, "When it's niceout, I want totake advantage of it."
So, enjoy theweather andgetyour homework done atthe same time. Getoutofyourdorm room and justletyourselfrelax.Studyon theintramuralfields because intramuralfields arenotjust for sports anymore.
Andrea FayeHunsberger