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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

physical, not mental handicap.

He told ofone incidentin which an airline clerk in Detroit mistakenly wrote "mentally retarded" on his plane ticket.

"I took my ticket and looked at it and thought, well, that's cool," Ring said, "because two hours ago Ilooked inthemirror and I didn'tlook retarded, but maybe in two hours time mental retardation set in."

Besides Ring's good humor about his handicap, he givesall theglory to God.

"People come up to me and say,'Boy,you don't look sogood. I feel sorryfor you.'I say, 'Why?' When I gotsaved, Igave God my body and soul and my body doesn't belong tome anymore."

David Ring touched many hearts in his chapel service and portrayed a living testimony thatphysicallimitations do not inhibitone's soul.

Felicia Halstead

Darrel Gilyard

Silence encompassed thousands ofstudents assembled forchapel asspeaker DarrelGilyard shared his astounding testimony. Dr.Falwell introduced him as a man trulyordainedby God. Afterthechapelservice, studentsknew that God had spoken through thisman.

Abandoned at nine months and leftin the care of his mother'sfriend,Gilyardfacedtroubledtimes.After moving from home tohome,Gilyard decided togo out on his own. His home became a small area underneath a bridge in Jacksonville,Florida. As ateenagerhehad noone. Anything he had, he provided himself. He attended high school faithfullyand excelledinacademicsby studyinglateatnight under thelightsofa nearby convenience store. Hardships seemed to follow Gilyard,but he continued to pursue his goals.

During those years of living under a bridge, Gilyard came toknow theLord, and from thattime on, he "pressed toward themark ofthe callingofChristJesus." The students satcaptivated by histellingoftheexperiences he had lived through. Gilyard did not share his story to gain pity but rather toshow how God can use a willingvessel.

Gilyard receivedhis Bachelor ofSciencein 1987from the CriswellCenter ofBiblical Studiesand is currently working towards hisMasters from Liberty University.

To capture the true impact of this man's testimony would be almostimpossible. Yet, thelong standing ovation givenby thestudentbody saidmore thanmere words could express. Hearts were touched thatday.

Ten minutes before chapel dismissed, the time when students ordinarily start shifting and squirming, silence remained. Gilyard proclaimed the mighty names of God from Genesis toRevelation. Students were not only astonished by hisincredibleknowledge ofGod's Word,but most importantly by thesincerityinhis heart. Through theyears God hasbecome all those thingsto him.

Nancy Viar

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