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TheABC'sofa Senior

TheABC'sofa Senior

Western Europe

DuringSpringBreak1989,moststudents headed forthebeach or home, and some went toWestern Europe fora missions exposuretrip.

The purpose ofthetrip was totryto getaworld visionfor evangelism, meet people and getintroduced toEuropean culture. They tookmaterialsthatcould be used to help the missionaries, including Dr.JerryFalwell'sStrength for theTourney.

While in Heidelberg, West Germany,they visited thehome ofNorbert Hennrich, aLiberty University student who wason the trip with them. They visitedhis home church, FreeBaptist in Mannheim, West Germany, and conversed with the youth group. Free Baptistaverages about one hundred in attendanceand isthe usualsizeofevangelicalchurches in Germany.

While they were in Leon, France, they visited Thomas Road Baptist Church missionaries Steve and Beth Coffey. The Coffeys are starting a church among the Muslim population inFrance.

The students felt like thetriphad done itsjob-exposing them toaforeign mission field.

Jennifer Ferrell

Thanksgiving Food Drive

Thanksgiving, formost ofus,is atimeto reflectonourmany blessingsand tostuffour faceswith all kinds ofgood food. We sit in our warm, comfortable homes and watch parades and football games allday. The aroma ofjuicyturkeyfills theairand golden pumpkin pies sit on thecounter awaiting theircloud offluffywhipped cream. Cranberry salad jells in therefrigerator beside gallons ofice tea.

There are some people to whom this scene isforeign. Thanksgiving isjust another day,kind oflike a Saturday, because they don't have towork. There's noturkey in the oven and no pumpkin pies onthe counter. They aren't looking forward to counting theirblessingsonawonderful day offeasting.

Thanks totheeffortsoftheSGAand the Lynchburg Area Food Bank, there were fewer familiesinthecityspending a turkeylessThanksgiving dinner.

SGA encouraged dorms, clubs, and organizations to donate canned foods and non-perishable items forneedy families in Lynchburg. Money could begiven, as well, tounderwrite aThanksgiving dinnerforan underprivileged family.

LU collected 1,430 pounds of foodthis year.

SGA sponsored a contest inwhichthe dorm, club, ororganization thatdonatedthe most canned goods won a midnight pizza party and private showing of themovie "IndianaJones-The LastCrusade." Dorm7 won with 1,000 cans offood.


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