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Toy Drive
Therearethousandsofchildreneveryyear who writetoSantaClausetotellhim what theywantfor Christmas, knowing that,just like last year, he won't be making a stop attheirhouse.
They don't even know what a sugar plum is-much lessdo they have visions ofthem. There aren'tany stockingshung by thechimney withcare because SaintNicholas won't bethere.
For the past five years,Liberty students have donated money and toys to help families in the Lynchburg area who cannot afford toys for their children. The Good Samaritan Center, an outreach program ofThomas Road BaptistChurch,and the bus ministry collectthetoysand set them up inthe center. About 400childrenusetheticketsthey have earned by doing their lessons to buy toys at "Toyland Spectacular."
The Centeratmosphere is like thatofacarnival asthechildren search fortherighttoysattheright "price."
JerryCordle, coordinator oftheCenter, said he has seen a good response from the students inthe pastfiveyears. He added,"The LU students carry themajority ofgiving forthis project."
The average dollar amount from the dorms is between $28 and $50 dollars. Liberty contributed approximately $1,500 plus toys.
Denise Push