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Nursing StudentsLend "Helping Hands"
The community benefits from 100 pairs-Liberty University nursing student's "helping hands" in local hospitals. They work between threeand ninehours aweek performing clinicalsfor class creditbased on thespecialtycareerfieldtheydesiretopursue. They specialize in emergency room activities at Lynchburg General Hospital, pediatricsatVirginiaBaptistHospital, and child rehabilitation atthe University ofVirginia Hospital.
The students gain experience indoing anything aprofessional nurse would do-from intensive care to assisting in the operating room to ambulance andemergency work.
Senior nursing students arerequired tospend nine hours a week in community health classes which include home health nurse care.
During clinicals, thetestimony of thestudent nurses often inspirestheirpatients. Some oftheirpatientshave accepted Christ as a result.
Clinicalsoftenevolveintopaid internpositionsand permanent jobs.
The nursing students atLiberty University graduate with a Bachelor ofScience degree innursing and are better prepared for a career than isa student graduating from a two-or three-year program.