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Urban OutreachServes
Urban Outreach,undertheleadershipof Claude Dallas, Jr., Director oftheCenter for Urban Outreach,andWillie Bobe,Assistant Director, has expanded itsvision forreachingpeoplewho liveincitiesand sharingwith them God'slove.
Urban Outreach placesfull emphasison thisendeavor. The summer campaigns providean opportunity forstudentsto takepart inhelpingtoevangelizepeopleinlargecities suchasNe wYorkCity,Manhattan,Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and others
However,Claude Dallas has the desire toexpand hisvisionofreaching people here in Lynchburg. The Center for Urban Outreachwas contacted bytheLynchburg Food Bank. The centerwas asked to helpwith the distributionofbread toneedy families. Each Saturday morning, thestudents who go to theinnercityofLynchburg carrybreadtothe families with whom they are sharing the Word of God
"By taking bread to these families in need,we are building a rapport with them. We feelthisis apracticalwaytoshow these people thatwe arenot only concerned with their spiritualneeds, but also theirphysical needs," saidDallas
The center is also reaching inner city children here inLynchburg through a Monday afternoon tutorialprogram. Education majors atLiberty offertheirtime inhelping children who have been labeled as"at-risk children," childrenwho theteacherssaywill never finishschool.
Those who offer their time use creative techniques to help the children with their homework,reading, andother learningdisabilities, such asusing shaving cream onthe desks inwhich thechildren may write the alphabet.
"Inthefuture, I would liketoseeabout 250 Liberty students offering tohelp inner citychildrenfivedays aweek," Claude Dallas stated